This is the Message Centre for Empress of Blandings

Happy oinks Empress

Post 1

Auntie Prue

Happy oinks, Empress - and glad you found your way.

I agree that it is confusing - but great fun to explore.

Dropped into Wimpole Home Farm (near Cambridge) yesterday, and was pleased to see some Gloucester Old Spots and some Tamworths - but sadly, no Berkshires.smiley - wah


Have you tried the cockail lounge at Grey Gables - there is a link on The Bull Outhouse page. Bit more our kind of place than Eddie's Cider shed, I imagine - although pigs are quite fond of cider, so perhaps not.

Have fun - and see you back at The Bull


Happy oinks Empress

Post 2

Empress of Blandings

smiley - smiley I found my way back Aunite Prue! Whoopee! Not feeling just as dim-witted now. It will take a while to get used to this though and now I think I may have to change my name if I can find out how. Seems an imposter, a sockpuppet posted here in 2002. smiley - cry

Is there a list of useful emoticons somewhere? Then I could wax lyrical about my diswasher...

Happy oinks Empress

Post 3

Empress of Blandings

smiley - somersault Whoopee! smiley - ok

Got it sorted Auntie Prue. smiley - wow

Happy oinks Empress

Post 4

Auntie Prue

So glad you got it all sorted - partly because I got modded for posting the link address in DTA. Not bothered about the hamsters - but would have been disappointed if they had prevented you from getting here.

To get hearts (either broken or ordinary), when you are writing something here, click on the Full Smiley Index link - first line after the box for text, and then click on emotions to find the hearts. You can also add them by typing in <> with the word brokenheart between the <>s for smiley - brokenheart and the same with the word love between < and > for smiley - love.

Time for smiley - tea and smiley - cake - can I cut you a slice?


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