This is the Message Centre for Lampadas


Post 1


If you had not trying to make an autofullfilled prophecy, you would have been located by people who shares your interests. I was found that way by a lot of people. So please rewrite your introduction, in a way it really introduces you. For example, are you portuguese-speaker?
São Paulo, Brasil


Post 2


Random person,
A little bit about the people that wander around H2G2: They are extraordinarily cliquey. Very seldom do they invite outsiders into their private little groups, and when they do (as in your case), it their comments are laden with criticism. The very fact that anyone has written in response to my intro is amazing.

My intro will not be rewritten. It will remain exactly the same way it has. My opinions are my own, and if the attitude portrayed in the intro comes off sounding a little bitter, it is probably due to the fact that I am a bitter person. If people were to write me, inquiring as to why I write the things I write, rather than telling me to change them, I would be more responsive.


PS So shines a good dead, in a weary world. -Willy Wonka

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