This is the Message Centre for Tabby

Hello and Welcome TabbyLady...

Post 1

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

Hi TabbyLady, Welcome to h2g2 smiley - smiley

I'm Emmily one of the many <./>ACEs</.> (Assistant Community Editors) We’re a bunch of volunteers who enjoy h2g2 enough to want to help new Researchers find their way around what is a large web site, by offering a warm welcome, links and advice. smiley - magic

Have a smiley - tea or smiley - coffee & smiley - cake or smiley - ale & smiley - crisps put you feet up, relax and let your fingers do the walking smiley - footprints

If you’d like to know what h2g2 is you can read ~ ‘All about h2g2’ A308170 You may also like to read “A Welcome and Thank-You Message From Douglas Adams’ A157349 the creator and founder of h2g2. smiley - towel

I survived PeerReview and got my Entries in to the Edited Guide smiley - magic If I can, you can too. smiley - biggrin Though you’ll need to read EditedGuide-Guidelines first. smiley - cheers

You can find out about my Entries at Emmily’s Edited Entries - A3809810

You may like to read a <./>RandomEditedEntry</.> Some of the older Edited Entries are not good examples of the type of Entries that are accepted for the Edited Guide nowadays. smiley - star

Although, if you’re interested in fiction and poetry you may like to visit Writing-Alternative smiley - smiley

You can click on A3133702 ‘Emmily’s h2g2 Driving Lesson’ where you can pick and choose at your leisure what you’d like to find out about. smiley - ok

I'm a real person not an automated computer programme, to find out about me click on my name above this conversation post you can do that on anyone’s name in any conversation thread. smiley - surfer

Hope you find these helpful & you enjoy yourself here smiley - biggrin to reply to this post If you have any questions or if you just want to say 'hi' click 'Reply' below.

smiley - bluebutterfly

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