This is the Message Centre for H2G2 Mustardland Mustering Station

May I muster?

Post 61

H2G2 Mustardland Mustering Station


May I muster?

Post 62

Marsh Gibbon

Hi Katy,

Don't know if I'm too late ((always the last to the party), but stick me down on the list too if possible.


Love MG

May I muster?

Post 63

H2G2 Mustardland Mustering Station

Hi Marsh Gibbon!

Never too late, I've just added you to the list (click my posting name and scroll down the page to get there), and sorry you've had to wait so long for a reply.

smiley - smiley Katy smiley - rose

May I muster?

Post 64


Confucious say too many say not many dosmiley - smiley

May I muster?

Post 65


Could I be included on the list?

May I muster?

Post 66


Of course, welcome.

Sue Green OH of Drugless Brain

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