This is the Message Centre for TimeFink


Post 1


Is anybody out there?


Post 2


Since there is nobody out there willing to show up in this timeline I must span a filament.

Not like a spider chasing prey but like a farmer ploughing a row and sowing some seed into it.

What is "out there", or is it rather "in there" ? Or is "nowhere" now "everywhere"? These are the questions a TimeFink must ask in order to get into contact with some physical object, the physics of which then induce a new time flow.

And since I am talking with my self obviously, timeflow is circular just as if nothing happens at all (blunt persons speak of boredom)!


Post 3


The elevated Boredom(?) continues:

Thinking about time is a fascinating ACTIVITY (not all the time of course ... !)

You can do it in an axiomatic way, pondering about "before" and "after" and finally arriving at
some monogranular or polygranular discrete model of TIME in the "chain of events" style or
soon afterward in a "network of events" style, where the only axiomatic addition is "at about
the same time". Once you`ve structured your thought this way, you are ready for storytelling
and mystery scripts and so on. Which is fine, but NOT enough !

You can also do it in the physicists' way, where the central dogma is that ALL processes in
the universe happen in the SAME time flow. Never heard of this dogma? Don't worry, NOW
you have! It really IS the central dogma however and maybe it is even the true reality!

Now, however: What if "OUR time" is a useful ILLUSION above the "real" time? Well, I don't
know either, but let us talk about it!


Post 4


Hi there, welcome to h2g2. smiley - smiley sorry the welcome is a bit late...

I guess someday I'll have indepth feelings about time, being a physicist and all... till then...

Happy hiking... here are a few links which may help you on your way:
New Users Page:
ACEs homepage:
Read the Writing Guidelines: and start researching your own entries! smiley - smiley

Don't forget to check out today's approved entries on the front page -get there by clicking the h2g2 logo in the top left of any screen.

If you need anything, or have any questions or comments, do tell me smiley - smiley


Ps have a fish smiley - fish

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