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Bad start to the day

Post 1


Last week I spent the best part of a day working out how to timetable interviews in two - no three - related subjects, so that about 30 applicants could have two or in some cases three interviews focussing on their strongest A-levels, and two-thirds of them could also do a 90-minute problem-solving test on the same day as their interviews. This morning when I got to work, one of the interviewers phoned to say "I know we originally said we would interview on the Thursday and Friday, but could we change that to Wednesday, as my co-interviewer has got his department Christmas dinner on Thursday night?"

I put the phone down and literally screamed - the cleaner came in to see if somebody was being murdered! Then I phoned my boss and tendered my resignation. Luckily she saw my point of view and told them that it was too late to change the days now.

Then I spent the morning fighting with software.

Fortunately after lunch things got a bit better: managed to send out interview invitations to about half the applicants, and my colleague went out at lunchtime and came back with chocolate biscuits.

Went to help with Brownies after work and that was good fun - chatting with 7 year-olds seems to put things into perspective ...

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Bad start to the day

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