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Surprise Film

Post 1


Every year the Film Festival offers a 'surprise film' on the last day - the title is not revealed in advance, and this creates a real buzz in the audience before it starts. It's usually a new release. I haven't been to one before, but last year's film was 'Burn After Reading', which was a very popular choice, and the first 'Pirates of the Caribbean' was a previous choice.

Today was a bit of a letdown from my point of view, although lots of people seemed to enjoy it. It was the animated Disney feature 'Up'. I don't like animation much at the best of times, and this one was awful. Tediously predictable and over-sentimental. Oh well - you win some, you lose some!

Today has been a beautiful autumn day. We went to a different pub for our Sunday lunch and sat in the garden. The lunch wasn't up to the standard of our usual place, but we'll appreciate it all the more when we go back next week. After lunch we walked along the river where the resident boaters were having an Open Day - it's always fun to have a snoop round the narrowboats and some of them are truly luxurious.

In fact the weather has been fantastic all this week - lots of warm sunshine, and the College gardens are looking stunning with the turning leaves.

The major part of the kitchen work is now finished and I'm starting to put stuff back in the cupboards - quite gradually, so that I can think carefully about whether I want to keep things, and where I want to put them. The tiler is coming tomorrow evening to give me a quote.

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