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Film Festival 2009/2

Post 1


Next three films:

Tulpan - first feature film by Kazakh documentary director. Drama about young Kazakh man who returns from military service in the navy to his family's yurt and sheep-herding on the steppe. Amazing photography, amazing scenery and weather conditions, very good acting.

Looking for Palladin - unfortunately the print got damaged on the way to the film festival, so they had to use the backup digital print, which wasn't the best quality. Quite pleasant little film about a young Hollywood exec's trip to Guatemala in search of an old actor. Very interesting to me because the action takes place in Antigua Guatemala, the beautiful old colonial capital, and I've been there.

The Other Irene - Romanian film, based on a true story about a security guard whose wife disappears on a work-related trip to Egypt. Quite intense, good acting by the actor playing the husband, who is apparently very famous in Romania for playing villains in action films. Q&A with the director, but I left before the end, because of inept chairing. It was clear from the first question that his English was good, but not that good, but she persisted in asking questions with convoluted grammar and obscure vocabulary. smiley - grr The same person had started the Q&A after Boogie Woogie by asking "What made you decide to focus on this particular Mondrian painting?"; director's answer: "The novel on which the screenplay was based". Doh!

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Film Festival 2009/2

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