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Film Festival 2009

Post 1


I've seen four films since Thursday:

The Agent - a two-hander developed from a play, starring our very own Stephen Kennedy (Ian of Grey Gables). He was extremely good, although I wasn't sure about the film, which I found still very 'stagey'.

Katalin Varga - a Romanian/Hungarian co-production, set in Transylvania. Unremittingly grim, and very slow moving for the first half. Hated it. Talked to other people who'd seen it, most of them disagreed. Oh well.

The First Day of the Rest of Your Life (Le premier jour du reste de ta vie) - very enjoyable French comedy, but with sad moments. Focuses on five key days in the life of a family, to illustrate the passing of time.

Boogie Woogie - also funny, lots of famous faces (notably Gillian Anderson & Joanna Lumley). Satire on the art collecting world.

So, pretty good choices so far! This evening's offering is Tulpan, a first-time feature by a Kazakh documentary maker.

To be continued ...

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Film Festival 2009

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