This is the Message Centre for annie_cambridge

Kitchen project stage 2

Post 1


Phoned HB office at 9.15 to speak to yet another person and go through the whole story again. She says she should be able to arrange the delivery of the missing parts on Monday, when the fitter will be here. She will phone me back to confirm. I give her my office phone number for the 99th time.

2.30pm, still no returned call. Phone again to check. She is 'on the other line' and will call back.

4.20pm, she calls back. Still hasn't been able to confirm with the carrier that they will be able to deliver on Monday, but doesn't expect there to be a problem. She will confirm tomorrow.

To be continued ...

In the meantime, went to my first film of the Cambridge Film Festival. 'The Agent' - a two-hander developed from a play, starring our very own Stephen Kennedy (Ian of Grey Gables). He was extremely good, although I wasn't sure about the film, which I found still very 'stagey'.

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Kitchen project stage 2

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