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Kitchen project

Post 1


I am having a new kitchen. While this is very exciting, it is also quite scary (what if it goes wrong?) and quite a lot of work.

Tomorrow the units and worktops are being delivered, between 9.30 and 1.30. If they come in good time, I'll probably go into work afterwards, because I've got so much on this week, I can't really afford a whole day off. They are coming tomorrow, because the only other possible delivery day was Saturday, when I have to be at work all day for an Open Day.

Fitting starts on Monday, and new fridge/freezer and washing machine are being delivered on Tuesday. Eek!

This evening I've rearranged the furniture in the living room, to make space for the units etc, and emptied three cupboards in the kitchen. The spare room/study is gradually filling up with crockery and pots and pans ...

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Kitchen project

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