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Out and about

Post 1


My sis came over yesterday and stayed the night - her OH is away teaching sailing this week.

We did some prospecting for white goods to go with my soon-to-be-refurbished kitchen, and also chose tiles. Fortunately this didn't take too long, so we also had time to have fun. She brought her bike, and luckily it stayed dry.

Yesterday evening we went to this:
and saw Mamma Mia! (again) in silent disco style. Everybody had a little FM radio and earphones to listen to the soundtrack, and the film was shown on a huge screen on the bank of the river. It was really good fun - especially if you listened to the soundtrack with one earphone and took the other one out so you could hear the audience singing along ...

Then today - which started cloudy, but turned out hot and sunny - we cycled along the banks of the Cam to the Plough at Fen Ditton, where we had lunch in the pub garden. Then struggled through an overgrown woodland path to Baits Bite Lock, where we crossed the river (had to push the bikes up a steep ramp to get them over the footbridge) and came back along the towpath on the other side.

Lovely couple of days - nice food and drink balanced by lots of exercise in the fresh air.

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