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Sunday lunch bunch

Post 1


The Sunday lunch 'club' was extended by several people today - I had two visitors from London, and my friend E has a friend staying with her as well (an Aussie who lives in Mallorca). We were all invited for mid-morning coffee (after the TA omnibus!) at C & J's house, to see their garden, because they've done a lot of work on it this summer. It was lovely.

Then we all headed off to the pub, where more occasional Sunday-lunchers turned up, so there were 11 of us in the end. A jolly time (and huge helpings of Sunday roast) ensued.

In the afternoon, my visitors and I went off to do the obligatory tour of the historic centre of town (one of them hadn't been to Cambridge before). Unfortunately King's College Chapel was closed and the new Corpus clock [] was 'resting' and hidden by a screen. Oh well - S will just have to come and visit again! We went for coffee at Fitzbillie's as a consolation prize, and sampled their new Chelsea bun icecream, which was delicious.

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Sunday lunch bunch

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