This is the Message Centre for annie_cambridge

Last week

Post 1


Haven't got round to writing any journals about last week, when I had the week off work, so here goes ...

Did a number of 'house' jobs, some of them little things like getting an electric socket replaced in the kitchen, others big things like getting quotes for a new kitchen. I'm now in a complete state of indecision about the latter. I'm very tempted by the idea of having everything new, and after quite a bit of research, have got a reasonable quote. On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with the kitchen units, so I could really get away with having new appliances and worktops, and maybe new tiles. My friend's son, who has done an apprenticeship in the construction industry, could probably do the work for me. And if I go for the whole thing, I'm going to have to take everything out of the cupboards and find somewhere to put them while the work is going on, as well as storing the flat-pack units for about a week before the fitters start. In the living room, I suppose. Hmm ...

Apart from chores, I also went to the seaside for the day on Thursday (Hunstanton - I now know I can get there in an hour and a half by train & bus, so I'll probably go more often). My friend S and her little girl came to visit (they are over from Canada on a brief visit) - it was lovely to see them both, I really miss them.

On Saturday it was the University 800th anniversary garden party for staff, which was brilliant. It was held in the Botanic Gardens, the weather was great (despite downpours on Friday it was relatively dry underfoot too), it was all very well organised and thoroughly enjoyable. Photos & video here:

Last week

Post 2

DeeKay Bee

What did you think of Hunstanton? We passed through the other day and it seemed a lot more commercialised than we expected, we did consider stopping in Old Hunstanton but just decided to carry on as it was raining and we were on more of a recci to see where to go back to in better weather but we never made it back up there.

Last week

Post 3


The main part of Hunstanton is pretty much typical English seaside resort: putting green, ponies on the beach, fish & chips, whelk stalls etc. However, if you walk only a short way along the front, you come to the stripey cliffs, and a little further along there is a much quieter beach - it may not be that quiet during school hols, though! I didn't get as far as Old Hunstanton, but will try it next time (the bus goes there) and report back.

Last week

Post 4

DeeKay Bee

I think that we'll probably go to see the stripy cliffs next time we're in the area, whether we go back next year or later I don't know yet - though it would be a shame to wait Ls horror years to kick in before we return as he enjoys interesting beaches at the moment. We were further down and L spent a lot of time on West Runton beach swimming, rock pooling and fossil hunting (and 'shock horror' actually voluntarily talking to a girl) so we just fitted other things around that really. You're lucky that it's a relatively easy trip for you, and at least you don't have to drive through King's Lynn!

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