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Strawberry Fair

Post 1


Yesterday morning started off chilly and wet, so nearly decided not to bother with Strawberry Fair this year. However, by lunchtime it had cleared up a bit, so thought I'd just have one stroll round the common.

Ended up getting a strawberry painted on my face by a work colleague who was there with the Woodcraft Folk, enjoying a veggie burrito from a TexMex food stall operating out of a splended Airstream caravan, and meeting several members of my 'Sunday lunch bunch'. We colonised a table next to a crepe stand, and loads of people we knew came past, or sat for a few minutes and chatted.

It wasn't too hot, so not many sunburnt lager drinkers either! Did meet one young man who was rather the worse for wear as I was on the way to Midsummer Common. He was asking the way to the nearest off-licence. I was tempted to suggest a nice lie-down, but didn't think that would be too well received!

Rounded off the day with sausage and mash at my local, where the regular jazz trio were playing - very pleasant.

This morning there's a steady downpour (bad luck for the pub, where they are doing the monthly hog roast!). Didn't go swimming, so will try and put in an extra session later in the week.

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Strawberry Fair

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