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Post 1


Went to see it this afternoon. Michelle Pfeiffer is gorgeous - no other word for it. And the costumes are amazing! However I agree with a review I saw (can't remember where) that said the toyboy was an utter drip - can't imagine what she saw in him.

'Our' Felicity Jones (Emma Grundy) is in it too, as the hapless young wife of said toyboy.


Post 2


I'm planning to go to see it. BTW, Susan has decided to stay in bed. Whatever she has it isn't getting worse. Miah is keeping her company. I'm going to steal her bottle of beer and will sit down to an Old Mother Riley film followed by some hot zombie action. I have passed on your message.



Post 3

petal jam

OOh - I was wondering whether someone with a proper cinema had seen this yet. Glad that Michelle Pfeiffer improves with age - always found her a bit, well blank.

Years since I read the books, but iirc he was petulant but ardent. Thought Edmée was supposed to be a bit of a tough cookie on the inside.


Post 4


<petulant, but ardent' - hmm, well I suppose you could say that. Though mercifully we didn't have to see too much of the bedroom action. He mainly lounged around looking beautiful but languid - I can see that he and KK must make a good pair.

Thinking about it again today I can mainly remember the locations and costumes - definitely worth seeing the film just for those!

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