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Great Cam Clean-Up

Post 1


This morning I went along and helped with this:

Although heavy showers were forecast, we were very lucky with the weather - occasionally cloudy so it wasn't too hot, but no rain either. 200 volunteers had signed up, we were all issued with a fluorescent vest, gloves, a litter-picker and binbags, and after a photocall with the Mayor, we were sent off in groups to collect litter etc. I was in the group covering Midsummer Common, and those people who'd taken part last year said there was much less litter this year, which can only be a good thing. However, I think it was also later in the year this time, so some of the rubbish might have been hidden by longer grass.

When we'd finished our bit, I went to help a group 'grappling' stuff out of the river - I saw one guy pull out two shopping trolleys one after the other, and somebody else found a car door. Plenty of bikes too - last year they pulled out 100 bikes and three motor scooters!

This evening I'm going to this:
and tomorrow this:
Some of the events are being held at Newnham College this year - very welcome publicity for the College - including this, which may interest Douglas:

Great Cam Clean-Up

Post 2


Hiya Annie.

I have just received my latest monthly package from Persephone plus the latest newsletter. I will certainly be renewing my subscription, and I would encourage you to go along to the Persephone Word event. It is a splendid wee publishing house and deserves support.

Douglas (gearing up for curry)

Great Cam Clean-Up

Post 3


Didn't make it to the Persephone event, but when I came out of Frances Spalding's talk this afternoon, I met a couple of friends in the ADC bar and was persuaded to buy a ticket for Joan Bakewell, talking about her debut novel. It was extremely interesting, and made me want to read it. She's looking pretty good for 75 - and not bad to write a first novel at that age!

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