This is the Message Centre for annie_cambridge

Off to Wales!

Post 1


Leaving shortly for conference in Cardiff, followed by ML mini-meet (growing by the day) on Sunday. Will report back later.

Off to Wales!

Post 2

DeeKay Bee

That rather depends on whether Brian (of Barnsley) turns up smiley - monster

Off to Wales!

Post 3




Off to Wales!

Post 4


Back home now [so obviously Brian from Barnsley didn't turn up]. Contrary to all expectations, the weather was fantastic the whole time I was in Cardiff.

Got there on Thursday late afternoon, and registered at the conference in time to go to three evening events, two of which were parties given by publishers/exam boards: one in Cardiff Castle and the other in the National Museum.

The conference sessions were mostly in City Hall and some of the rooms were magnificent: tiled fireplaces, chandeliers, etc.

My friend and I went down to the Bay on Saturday afternoon; decided not to go into the Dr Who exhibition as it was so sunny and it seemed a shame not to be outdoors.

Had a lovely time with other MLers at St Ffagan's on Sunday. It's an amazing place, with a huge collection of historic buildings from different periods. I particularly liked the row of ironworkers' cottages from Merthyr Tydfil, which have been furnished in the style of different periods from 1805 to 1985.

Got back to find that I'm going to have to spend the best part of tomorrow at home - I had already planned to have the day off, but the outside of our flats are being painted, so apparently the doors and windows have to be left open for 4-5 hours. smiley - grr

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