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Post 1


Started off bright and sunny at 7.00 this morning, but has been rather chilly and changeable ever since - not raining though, so mustn't complain I suppose.

Got the supermarket visit over early: I usually try and go before 9 on a Saturday, and buy myself a treat to have for breakfast when I get back. Today it was a little crusty baguette.

Then I went round to visit a friend from my Spanish class. She missed the last class, so I had collected copies of the handouts and homework for her and took them round to her house. We had tea and talked about her new job: she's a teacher and has just got her first promoted post, but it means she'll be moving away from Cambridge, which is a pity for me.

This is the second time in the last few years that I've made a new friend in rather unpromising circumstances and then they have moved on. Both quite a lot younger than me, so I suppose it's inevitable that they would be more mobile. And actually I'm going to visit the one who moved to Canada in a few weeks' time, which will be great!


Post 2


Going to the supermarket is always a huge effort, but as for before 9 am on a Saturday, then it would take me one day in bed to recover. I will now think of you with that crusty baguette (best with a bit of Reblochon I think).

Why have you taken up Spanish in the first place, if it's not too intrusive?

You can't think how I envy your Cambridge mini-meets.


Post 3


Hello martine

It's nice, but a little bit scary to have a loyal reader when I've only just started this journal lark!

I've always been an early bird - just can't seem to stay asleep in the mornings. If I need extra sleep I have to get it before midnight: I put it down to early conditioning.

Why am I learning Spanish? Well, it was my third foreign language - I did French and German at school and at university, but my German is now very much my L4, can't really speak it any more, although my passive knowledge is not bad. I've done Spanish at evening class at various times in the past and also did intensive self-study for a few months before going to Nicaragua for the first time in 1987. Since then I've been back to Central America several times, and in 1990 spent a year teaching English at the Universidad Centroamericana in Managua.

My Spanish is probably best described as 'effective but defective' and I enrolled in the AS-level class this year in an attempt to improve my accuracy. I think it has been successful to some extent, but the teaching methods since January have been driving me up the wall. Fortunately I am not prone to high blood pressure!

I think I just like learning - I have done two Master's degrees via distance learning/part-time courses, and just like to have something on the go.

You don't need to envy us our Cambridge mini-meets as we haven't had any yet, but I'm still hoping to meet Squirrel sometime soon! I have met other MBers in London, at Cromford and at Hebden Bridge however and I can assure you they are all very nice and not 'saddos' as my sister describes us!

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