This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Chris is here, seeing to my garage door. That's good. I've taken my suit in with material, so that my friends the tailors can make 4 suits, identical, one for Sean. Of course it's mega dear, but I'll only ask him for a couple of hundred, in fact I don't want to ask him at all because he's got a family to look after, and this is just an item of clothing. We'll see.

He can maybe I dunno, do some stuff for me, I dunno, read some tracts or something, like Helga did.

Or he can undertake to find a distribution network for me. Something like that, in payment for the suit.

He knows a lot of people anyway.

It's been mega hectic. Sethu wants activity etc but she's too young, she is apparently finding out that the world is a nasty place, which is a sign of hope for her, because if the world hates her, that means she might have the hand of the Lord on her life, which is great news.

Nothing from Honeybadger.

As Doris says, I've cut out evil from my life, in that I've bolted the front door, and they seem to have realised I'm not interested in being mind-fecked or in having a double life that I'm not aware of. I would never, ever have children in this filthy world.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Of course the woman who brought us up taught us to associate emotion and sexuality with shame. Embarrassment and shame were the norm, the default states. Unbelievable. Well, I don't appear to have a sex drive any more, which is good, really. I do, however, want some kind of companionship, just not a teenager.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

the radio station... do I really want to be part of their satanic agenda? Look at them, fast asleep, or consciously working for the darkness. I don't want - at least, I am strongly conflicted re being "trained" by that atheist. The good people are weeded out, at least, her mind control isn't up to the demands of End Times broadcasting.

I refuse to sell my soul in order to appear on the radio, sorry.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Oh dear. Strategic positioning... we represent the cornerstone, the capstone; which the builders rejected. Now, without a capstone, the whole edifice collapses! And with a hey, and a ho, and a hey nonny nonny popty nonny ping, the. Well, think of karate, is it? Or those martial arts, where you use your opponent's strength against them, so that, as with Gideon, you find your opponents doing your job for you, in that they are confused with the confusion with which they attack, turned against their very own selves. Popty, and, as it were, ping. Stand and watch, says my Lord, for the battle is mine. And watch the deliverance of the Lord as your opponents furiously try to back-pedal, but they can't, because of the Media and Persia. So um... ah... oh.

In the meantime you never know, my Father might want to minister to his people through his servant.

After all, they've taken 40 years of his life, used the gifts given by my Father for their own ends, perverting justice; and now might be the time for them to back off in fear, while the Lord smiles and rolls up his sleeves and says, Right, my lad, time for us to shine now.

Well, you've given me several teaching and ministry gifts, which so far no-one has wanted, because we teach the truth, not Bulbous lies. The entrance of his Word brings light and understanding.

And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has NOT extinguished it.

I can't really see ... but he says, Why shouldn't I have my servant teaching my truth, even in a Bulbous paper? Why not indeed.

It might wake the people up.

That's right, that's the idea. Just teach my word, my Book, and I'll see to the rest.

Brilliant! Sweet! Awesome! after all these years of pain and humiliations, now's the time for you to speak clearly and unequivocally, CLEARLY and UNEQUIVOCALLY, without double-tongue or nasty, and.


Tied up in the bonds which they planned for someone. The waveform generator sort of backfires and lixivates... the wrong people! My Caroline is safe, her mum too, and those who have been faithful; those who have stolen and killed and destroyed, who are eaten up with onvy, and choot, and boxols, these people find themselves suddenly lixivated with extreme lixivations! Ow!


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

I'm sick of people taking advantage, I suppose I have to... well I need a hole drilled through the study wall into my bedroom so that the wire for the internet isn't in the passage for obnoxious teenagers to mess with. No, I'm an adult and I don't want teenagers around me.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

Honeybadger will try to make you think she is in lethal trouble, but it's just another lie, OK.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

After this, are you sure you still want a woman in your life? Cosi fanno darem tutte.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

They don't like a man to be relaxed and free and able to just sit and quietly work. They like drama. Whereas you had enough drama in your early years, to satisfy you for a lifetime. Well, we reap what we sow, OK. So I've given hospitality as far as I am able, to someone "in distress" as I was told, and bought chocolate and given the use of a computer, and this time, didn't allow her to manipulate you to buy her clothes etc, and you even called her bluff.

Children hate, darling.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

Hopefully I'll have plenty of work when I get back from my jaunt, from Sean, which will keep me so busy that I won't even want a partner, let alone wait for one and hope for someone. Because it's clear no-one is there for me. So give me plenty of work, then I won't notice the fact I have to live alone.


Post 10

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well Sethu is a good girl, but she's a materialist, and obsessed with money and looks and clothes and so on. Mangaliso X > studied in Durban > Umhlanga Rocks, > Umlanzi township > sister in Pinelands > clicked with the Aunt > he's an intern > clear English > prospects > I'll wait > he sounds like a good bf for Sethu.

But she needs to learn the value of money. To do this, she needs to earn it. This is what she is starting out doing now.


Post 11

woofti aka groovy gravy

OK, the Chabadniks think the Messiah is the Lubavitcher Rebbe. That's funny. In Israel you see bumper stickers saying the Messiah is coming. One of the worst people in the planet? Who was that? His ex-wife? He had a bigger mission. When he thought his career was over, the Red Sea opened for him, and yes, he accuses me of this and that, and yes, I am guilty as charged, and yes, you have been lying to me for months and months, and yes, you've been trying to undermine my faith, and yes, you have failed, and yes, Jesus is Lord, and yes, he is my Saviour, and yes, he is God and yes, you had better kiss the Son, lest he get angry and annihilate you from the Earth. And yes, the Lord is God, and yes, he is the same as he was in the days of Elijah, and yes, the prophets of Baal are still prophesying, and cutting themselves, and wailing and jumping up and down, and calling for fire to come down from heaven, and yes, the cat's pissed on the matches, and yes, God is Lord, and yes, he is King of the Universe, and yes, all good things come from the Father, and yes, there is an enemy, and yes, his time is short, and yes, he is angry because he knows his time is short. And yes, you have tried very hard to lixivate my faith, because yes, God has placed me in a strategic position in the earth to stand under the pressure you put me under, and yes, he is rescuing me out of here just in time to save me, and yes, he is all-loving and all-forgiving and all-merciful, and yes, he is Good. He is Good, and he is Compassionate, and he is all-Understanding; yes, I have been a bad disciple, I have been terrible, but I believe he has forgiven, and he has been merciful, and he will forgive again, so he is taking me out of this place of torment and tomfoolery, and he is bringing me to a place of safety for a couple of months, where he will minister to me away from my enemies and my tormentors; and I shall sit apart and rest and receive his mercy and he will sing over me again, songs of deliverance, and he shall heal, and I shall be healed; for he is the same God as the God of Jeremiah, and of Elisha, and of Elijah. And yes, Mrs Jezebel Ahabs is still Mrs Jezebel Ahabs, and yes, she still hates God, and yes, she still hates God's servants, and his children, and his disciples; and yes, she is still defeated, and yes, only the scalp and the palms of her hands remain, for yes, the dogs have eaten her remains after the eunuch tipped her out of the window when she was looking out, eyes made up and hair done; and yes, women still do their eyes and their hair, and yes, Givenchy still make lippy and mascara and foundation No. 1, and yes, women still spend about a quarter of their disposable income on make-up, and yes, much of it lies at the bottom of their handbags unused and stale; and yes, it is nice to see a lady carefully made up, and yes, my Honeybadger looks beautiful all the time, whatever she does with her glorious copper-coloured hair, and yes, I continue to pray to my Father to wake my Honeybadger up out of her slumber and turn to Jesus and ask for mercy and for deliverance for her, because she will know and understand that her God loves her, and that Richard loves her, and loves her, and thinks about her, and writes her music and poetry and dedicates his Bible teaching to her, in the hope that it will educate her soul and that she will wake up out of her slumber and turn to God and be healed, and be delivered out of her slumber and wake up, and Christ will shine on her, as it is written; and that God would have mercy on both of us together and he would cause us to wake up and to be humble and merciful, so that God would have mercy on us, and that we would forgive those who trespass against us, that we should in our turn receive forgiveness from on high; and that we should find our respective partners and be set free from our imprisionment and find freedom and rejoice in the same. And yes, we shall, we shall, yes, we shall, we, we shall, we shall, we shall, we shall.


Post 12

woofti aka groovy gravy

yeah, today the day of strategic positioning. And today, there was a bolt put on my garage door by a very nice man named Chris, who was so good that I shall give him the job of doing my garage door after I get back from Israel; and Ian will come and do my guest room and finish it, and I shall get wallpaper for the guest room and for my bedroom, and shall have the rooms papered, and the ceiling of my bedroom shall be painted by Theo for a bit of extra money; and tonight, I must write three tracts, I must get on with that tonight. Yes, tonight I shall write three tracts, or two, of mayhap one. We shall get onto that right now.

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