This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well I am looking after Sethu, who has come to my place seeking refuge from the world, at a low ebb, uncharacteristically for her. She paid me the compliment of coming here because she knew it was safe here. So I could hardly refuse her asylum could I. We went out yesterday to P&P and I bought a shed load of chocolate without knowing why. Last night I realised why; it was because I'm looking after a vulnerable and damaged female. She is in a delicate state so I'm being careful with her and trying to be gentle.

Tell you something though, I'm feeling this winter hard. I'm going to Rainbowland yesterday and that's going to be a challenge but one which I'm determined to meet head-on, because I've got to move on at last.

Yeah though, I'm feeling this winter very badly. I need a constant food supply, unfortunately she isn't exactly a home maker, more like a mirror and a facebook junkie.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Sethu has come but she is unfortunately too wrapt up in problems of her own, to be able to help much. She claims to need help and a refuge but I don't know how far to believe her.

I'm rusht off my feet, this being CT I can't find anyone to help me with my garage door, people are unwilling to help me because of various reasons.

I think CT is just curst. People here are just so fecked up. Olga for example, and that church. I was getting on well on email with this woman, then the devil told her to drop me, which she did, no more emails. Even if I try to get into church somehow, they're just supine and asleep and I can't, because they won't receive me.

So I just have to make my own way, no-one is willing or able to come alongside and help. The church is a dead loss. The real Christians are hidden away, they visible church is a sort of decoy or something.

Rehab soon, then Israel. And I think Sean was making noises that sounded welcome. He says he wants to "train" me, I think this is good news, because hopefully he will help me to engage with the world. But of course, you must now avoid evil, which means, stay as you are, don't let yourself be diverted by any temptation.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well I slept late, and have been busy busy since I got up. I've got my flight to Jo'burg, and have arranged to be picked up at the airport by the rehab people. And I've taken in the cloth and arranged for the suits to be made. Now, I'm more or less on the home straight. For the next month I shan't be doing anything, just resting, which I need. Then Israel, I'll have to pack carefully and make sure I take everything I might need. Hopefully I'll remember all my verb paradigms and there will be irregular verbs to learn. I've got a week off in the month that I can use to relax, but I shan't go anywhere I don't think, like Tel Aviv for instance, because Honeybadger isn't coming with.

Wir haben gesehen, wie gluecklich ich damals war, als ich glaubte, daB sie mit mir nach Israel kaeme. Ich war echt gluecklich. Aber das war ein Traum.

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