This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

It's Saturday. I slept until 2 o'clock and now it's 4 o'clock. Honeybadger.


Milton Keynes was such a horrible place. All dual carriageways and roundabouts. It didn't seem to have an actual town part; it was just dual carriageways and roundabouts. And a bus station.

Stellenbosch has become darker and more nasty. Very unpleasant.

Berlin was actually quite nice.

Paris? Clotted.

Madrid. Hot.


Zimbabwe! Perfection on a plate.

Warsaw = neiges d'antan.

Lytham St Anne's - heavy.

Aberdeen - invisible flying anvils.

Leeds - soft.

Upington - heavy.

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