This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

The first day of June. The year cycles on up the hill. O Lord.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

It feels to me like the hidden ones might have nobbled me in the night. Because I dared to say yesterday that God was greater than them. The Almighty wants people to give their loyalty and love to him, not to these men, these mere men who pretend to be perfect and who say, "We are better than you". Because no-one can say that. So anyway, the Lord God is mightier than those hidden ones. They hurt little children. And it's ongoing. It's terrible. Qu' est-ce que tu veux devenir quand tu seras grand, petit? Je veux etre marteau, monsieur. Pourquoi tu veux etre marteau, mon petit? Pour detruire ceux qui font mal aux bebes et aux petites ames.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Pressure cooker is very difficult. Michael Savage is SO funny. Very funny.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Michael Savage is extremely funny.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

My booklet on the Ten Commandments


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

The air around me is filled with the voices of liars, telling their lies. Lying liars, lying lies.

I don't like a lie, neither do I practise one. Pokrodge likes a lie, as does Weznart. What a shocker, she's a witch! Ho ho ho ho. Ho ho ho. Ho ho. Ho. Heeeee. Hee oveidat hayareiach.

And Blast her witchcraft to oblivion. And remove all her deeds from the people of God. And remove her spirits, all of them. Far, far away. And save her soul unto eternity.

I'm looking for a new cleaner. It fulfils the need to purchase merchandise.

To that end, I've asked Theo to find me someone. Someone nice, hopefully; but honest, and hard-working, and God-loving, and without the desire to corrupt.

I'm seeing someone soon, who saw my obituary video for Rigby, and who wants to come and talk to me about Rigby. Well that's the cover story. I don't trust anyone I don't know, because they might be an AGENT of the WORSHIP of the MOUN.

It will be nice to see that lady who wants to talk about Rigbone.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

Right. I've got to wipe the Ultrabook's mind and install an operating system. I've had enough of Mint, because it's so terribly slow. I don't know which OS to install next. I have gotten used to Mint, now; but it's SO slow! Oh, how slow it is! I only need to install a new OS on the Ultrabook, because that's my workhorse machine; the other machines, I can leave Mint on them, because I don't use them very often. The Ultrabook is awaiting a new keyboard. So it's going to be renewed with a twofold renewalment: a new keyboard, and a new mind.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

I am surrounded by the voices of liars. Those "believers" downstairs are Bulbous. The woman is insane, the man is half way down the plug hole. Pockrodge is ashamed to be alive. Weznode is disempower'd because she has had all her spirits removed. I had a terrible night, and today has been desastreux. I need a companion in the Way, otherwise I can barely stand. They hate me, they all hate me. The insults with which they insult you, have fallen upon me, says the Lord. Yeah. I am too sensible to go anywhere near Cruncheybanger, because she is filled with the antigravity effects of death experiences. I cannot walk alone, I can barely stand alone. What is the point of putting me here in the middle of evildoers? They have taken me against my will. But I shall shine a light onto the evil Vatican basement. Someone was trying to convince me that I had been through the "Rite to Remain Silent" underneath the Vatican. What a nonsense! The same reality by which I am completely unaware of anything other than my normal life, is that reality by which they will not be able to touch me publicly, because as soon as they do, they themselves will be brutally exposed to the gaze of the media and their secrecy will be gone forever. Funny how they have to hide isn't it. They are actually afraid of everything God created, because it is upheld in being by the Word, and they realise now that the world they live in, accuses them in - oh, and their very brain and skull accuses them because they are made by God in the image and likeness of God. Now, they cannot escape the trap they themselves have made for others. They will scream for death, but death will not come.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

I formed the intention to move away from Cape Town as soon as I can. I'll go up to Jo'burg and find somewhere - I don't want to rent, not again, so I'll look for somewhere out of the way. I only need the contents of my Study, my Den, bedroom, and kitchen. I can let this place out. .I shall take as much furniture as I need for Jo'burg, and put the rest in storage. Cape Town is a hell hole, and nothing good has happened to me here. I never liked Cape Town, and only came here out of kindness to Rigby. The radio job was good, but it only lasted 4 months. BUT it did get me started on my writing ministry, which I suppose is what I'm supposed to do; so every cloud has a silver lining.

But Cape Town itself, no, I never liked you, and you never even tried to disguise your hatred of me. I shall leave behind these Bulbic people and find somewhere secluded and private, well away from nonsense and bulbic dump. First I must get Wilfie serviced; then I must get Daisy mended. I shall leave her in the garage here (the back garage). I'm fed up with hearing voices telling me they hate me.

I shan't find a dealer in Jo'burg, I shall just leave all this nonsense lifestyle behind me, and start anew where I actually want to be, and where I enjoy being. I feel better now, having made up my mind like this. I'll get about ten from letting this place, and ask the Lord to muzzle the servants of Bulb so that I get a person here who will pay the rent. I'll get Pam Golding to draw up a specially strong contract so that if they default on the rent, they get chucked out. Pockrodge's string - you can pull it and he goes Meep meep meep.

Television aerials.

Away from pretenders and Bulbous pollydongles. Away from the faces of clay and the people who eat babies for breakfast. Away from Bulb.

The angels of the Most High surround me; the love of God protects me.

They have tried to demolish my faith, but I have stood, and have come out stronger. They don't like this. They have done me a favour without wanting to.

I shall take my projector and screen, and the bookcase in the den, and all my equipment, and well, I've got to find somewhere in Jo'burg. Oh how I wish I had someone to help me find somewhere. M&S are too insane. There's always Hugh. I can actually ask him. But I have the Spirit of God to help me. He always helps me. Hugh is full of negativity and so on. Don't buy there, don't buy there. I shall follow my leading and go where I am led. At last I can get away from this dreadful, accursed place, and find somewhere nice, away from those whose curses have soaken into their own bones and written their names into the dungeon-book of Perdition.

grow up, Pockrodge

This is very good. It's like I had to be here to grow etc, but now I can return to Jo'burg and start enjoying. These people now are defeated, and I shall go to Jo'burg, but not in the car, but by plane. I have got a place to stay; and I shall find a place, because now is the time to go and find a place and buy it and go to Israel, and then move, leave these dreadful bulbic scrapings to their own oozings, and when I leave, then God will leave with me, and they shall have what they desired for me; and they will know, that there was a prophet of the Lord among them; and they shall cry out, and weep, and scream, and seek death, but not find it. Empty shall be their buckets; and floating tords shall nominate their candidature.

Look! how he turns curses into a blessing.


Post 10

woofti aka groovy gravy

I'll have to get my Study books packed into marked boxes, so that I can re-shelve them in the right order without having to hassle. I'll probably get big standing bookcases, OR I can get bookcases made. I shall let Shem Elohim, in fact I'll remove the name Shem Elohim from this place, and transfer it to my next place. OR I can call my next place a different name, possibly Chen haBein. This place is Shem Elohim, after all. So, Chen haBein shall be my next place. I'll ask the Spirit to show me the place where he wants me to go.

Need to get away from those who eat the pizza of untruth and drink the Fanta of perversity.


Post 11

woofti aka groovy gravy

Chen ben ha'Av

That's a better name.


Post 12

woofti aka groovy gravy

The love is there for you, and he is there; but the neighbours are working hard to prevent you from realising his love and being aware of his presence. They are afraid, so they try to divert their fear onto you by creating a verbal link to you and passing all that crap through the link. But you aren't in any danger because God has foreseen everything and has made every provision for you. Rest in his love; don't worry about the voices around you. They are too scared to come and talk to you in person, so they hide behind your walls.

So don't worry. The way out has been shown you. It is just what you want anyway (that's what God's like isn't it); and you are able to do it financially. You can buy a place in Jo'burg and do it up nicely, move all your books and electronic gear and computers etc up there, get an ADSL line (hopefully super fast); get your fax and your phones and everything nicely connected up, with a proper 011 number and none of this 021 nonsense. Leave Cape Town, it's a shethole. Rigby was out of order making you come here in the first place. Anyway, no harm done. Don't look for another dealer in Jo'burg. Just get out of Dodge and start again in Jozi. Continue writing and perhaps someone will show an interest in your books and so on.


Post 13

woofti aka groovy gravy

Remember, the children of Non are bad losers. But they have done all they could to you, at least, all they were allowed to do; and you have come through sain et sauf. So don't neglect so great a salvation. Ignore the lies of the enemy's children; they have tordebrains, and they don't know it. They tie your feet together and then say, Run! And then when you can't, they curse you. But -- and this is a very, very big BUT --- God has seen everything, and he has taken everything into account, and he loves you; and it's his angels' job to protect you. Don't worry about trying to relax here. Your enemies are all around and they hate you with a passion that would peel potatoes if it manifested in the 3-D. Everything that they have purposed for you, will fall on their heads, against their will. 50,000 watts of funkin'


Post 14

woofti aka groovy gravy

Right, I've started planning to up sticks and get away from this accursed place with its children of Satan rubbing themselves and cursing and popping and rubbing and booble booble boo.

And up to Jo'burg where the people are real and friendly and the weather is better and basically, life is enjoyable. Here is Cape Town they are so busy damning and rubbing themselves that the air is filled with nasty and the lemon tasty and evil nocky noo.


Post 15

woofti aka groovy gravy

They are so busy damning me that they don't notice the mercy and grace that covers all those poor sods who can't cope; they don't notice their words going into themselves, while they go through me to Jesus on the Cross, and bring upon themselves the wrath of God as well as the malicious, gleeful anger of their master the Dovvil.

So I pray: Save my enemies Lord. Bring them to repentance and faith in God through Christ:

Forgive me and mercy and grace me, and save me, for I am in the midst of my enemies, who curse me:

Bless me, and save me, O God, and bring me safely out of hell to Johannesburg, and give me success in Jo'burg, with my writing and broadcasting:

And give me the blessing of a family, and love, and make this hate that fills the air here, a fading memory, and the people, let them disappear out of life and out of time:

Bless Pockrodge, and Weznat, and the Bulbous Pretending Ones; and the Gay people; and bring me safely out of this dreadful place, to Jo'burg, where life is, and fun, and where people are friendly, and your people welcoming. For the people here are under a curse, Lord, and I don't want to stay here much longer, lest I become affected by that curse:

And save me, and save Honeybadger, and save her without frightening her, and bless her, and grace her, and have thou mercy upon her:

And fulfil all your promises to your servant, amen.


Post 16

woofti aka groovy gravy

Bless Honeybadger, please, and save her, and bring her into a broad place flowing with milk and honey. Stop the mouths of those who curse, and fill my home with your glory, and let me sleep and be well again. Protect me from the demons, and protect Honeybadger, and protect my enemies from their fate, that will come to them if they don't repent and believe in you. Give me grace and give Honeybadger grace, and please, bless her and save her and bring her safely through to Jesus, amen. Save me, O Lord.

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