This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Writing the Cello Suite very quickly. It's all about sorrowing and lamentation and sadness; I'm not sure why it's turning out like that - Vicky or Nicky on the radio says it's a "demon", oh do grow up darling, they're part of life for some of us, OK? - a girl at church says "we all have them" - I don't know, I wish I did, but I come at people from a position of epistemological weakness, of not knowing, which is a stance in the Lord in itself. Anyway, the Cello Suite will have to have a title, I'll have to call it something.

Sorrowings, for Solo Cello.

Composed for Isaac's cello teacher, who showed confidence in me.

Anyone who believes in me, gets something. Yes I'll call the suite "Sorrowings".

Someone criticising the present programme, "doesn't sound like a Gospel radio station".

Everything is suddenly very alive with the Gospel in a way it hasn't been since, well, I can't remember, before I was cursed, I think. It's great!


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've taken the Ultrabook in to get its keyboard cleaned. Hopefully he'll be able to stop the R from repeating so badly.

I think I got rid of the pron before taking the machine in. Can't remember now.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Life became intolerably complicated on 16th Jan this year, and I haven't been able to cope with anything at all since then. Not even direct commandments from the Lord himself have been able to penetrate through my mind, it's totally on emergency safe mode only, F5 for Safe Mode while booting.

She was awfully nice though.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Ja there was a nice girl in the computer shop but because Jesus has fecked me up she doesn't want to know. Oh well, thanks Boss.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Can't talk in the ether any more, I screw up every single time.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

This woman is freaking me out entirely. Terrible. I can't cope at all.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

I er this woman, she's on my case, making me feel very insecure, like I've escaped thus far, but someone has her eye on me and there's like nowhere to escape to. I'm worried, I'm crap at sex and at 46 having been a virtual virgin all my life I don't think I'd be very good at it any more, I'm too old for that sort of caper, I couldn't be responsible for a woman's physical and emotional satisfaction, I really don't feel up to it, not at all. It's terrible.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well anyway, there's this movie on YouTube, it's about a nuclear holocaust, made in 1983, and it really captures the mood of that era. Minutemen atomic missiles, on their way to Russia. Then the arrival of the Russian nukes in Amerika. Very sad, very tragic, horrific.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

I couldn't watch the Amerikan nuke movie. Too sad, & difficult. All those nukes going off, horrendous. It was much as I used to think it might be, indeed, but it never happened, thank God.

Plockrodge unhappy tonight. Litvak failing.


Post 10

woofti aka groovy gravy

Yeah, horrendous. Well, the Ultrabook is in at Chaos and he's hoping to fix the keyboard.

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