This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

It makes you better, says Sean. Yeah. Well I have always said it's medicinal. Both; yes, the mystery is with you, beloved son, and I love you, and deeper than you know how to be, you love me, which is why they say you love me with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength. Your body and mind have been messed with by the Man and no-one blames you for needing help. But you will have to come to some kind of arrangement. No, you're not damned. That's the temporal judgement of those who live in time and can't see the full picture. Remember how long it took Sean to realise? And how easily Paula knew? because I revealed it to her, as I reveal to all those who love me from all their hearts. God wants to use that weakness to change the world!

Hear how those in the flesh hate you. Caroline, I will love you no matter what. Unconditional. If God has chosen me, then he has chosen you together with me. I love you with agape love, that is, love that doesn't depend on you loving me back.

I adore you. Why? Because you know me back to front, from the knowledge of a prosecutor, yet you still keep coming back for more. Remember the first few days? I was satisfied that you and I, it's too good to be true, we adore each other. Then of course your wickedness wants to steal, kill and destroy. But darling, you will insist on underestimating God. He is far too wise to let you destroy one of his sons. You can have the cherry on my cake, he says. He loves you dearly. Please treat him kindly.

Did you read the piece about philia love needing 2 to complete it, but agape existing even if it isn't reciprocated? Well, God loves us with both agape and philia love.

Yes, I need you darling. I need you.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Look off unto Jesus. If you can see, then look off unto Jesus.

God used someone to help someone today.

Then I made the mistake of calling Honeybadger a silly girl.

She knew I'm God's eklektos and she waited 25 years for the pleasure of messing me up.

I fell in love with her, and all she wants is to satisfy her urges upon me and make me as evil as she is.

She wants to hurt me.

She wants to hurt me. That rings a bell actually.

Poor fool, she says. I was getting the hang of things, then of course Honeybadger comes and messes things all up.

It's a deep and complex game and God's got your back, so go for it, you might as well.

She just wants to see me suffer. Then she wants to ruin me.

Well look at what happened to my brothers.

Everything God does, Satan wants to mess up. And that's why she's like she is. That's defined her whole life, if you can believe what she says. Poor girl. I love her. But she hates and loathes me, driven by forces she cannot control.

Caroline and her mother are at me again. Hey ho. On we go. Let's see how well they get on this time.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

They know the truth, and that's what really burns them. Because they can't get free. Jesus can set them free. He wants to. He's already done it.

but they won't have it

I know why. It's heartbreaking.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Whereas we are linked by the bonds of love, or is it the bonds of peace? Where no-one else can reach us, that's what they sing. That's right; and their reaching you is a) only apparent to you, but real to them, because they have to believe the lie, in order to maintain their whole existence. Now the more they believe they can harm you, the more they are weakened by touching you. So it's all stacked in our favour. God's clever like that. Well, wise. Anyway. So their strength is their weakness, just the opposite of us, whose weakness is God's strength.

It's all rather cleverly set up. It must have been so satisfying for the Father and the Son and the Spirit, when they created the whole set-up; and the angels are fascinated and curious to watch and see it all happening. We're on display before the angels, you know; demonstrations of God's wisdom, his power, and above all, his compassionate love.

So let's pray for all those poor deceived souls because what they want more than anything, is to be free. Once they were in, they were told they had made a horrific mistake, and they were trapped forever.

That's why the Gospel is called the Good News. It's good news for the deceived.

Be free, Caroline. Love the truth. Know the truth.

Know the truth, and be free.

And the house of lies blows away as insubstantial vapour - hebel - as the truth is revealed as light uncreated.

Their "glory" and "power" is as nothing when the light of truth shines on them, which they experience as love.

Shine on them your love, Father.

We're made for love.

Some are foolish, some are wise, but all recognise and know and respond to love.

Love is the leveller.

Love is the raiser.

Love is the reality, against which the lies and deceits of the enemy blow away as leaves in the autumn.

Love is truth.

Know love.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

No more lies, just love.

You can do one on 1 Cor. 1-2 if you like.

You can do your testimony. They overcame by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.

Stop the mouths of the liars of time.

Take away the hate and the fear and give us faith and love, please.

Show her your love. Show her your love. Show her your love and the power of your love, and the power of your love towards your children. For you created us to love, and to be loved, and to love.

Show us how to walk, and how to walk in the Spirit, not making provision for the flesh.

What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear.

Take away the programming. Reveal the truth. O Lord, heal, save, deliver, set free. Set us free into the Kingdom of your love.

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