This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Just reading the staff biogs on the CCFM website. Some of them have been broadcasting for 20 years! It's been a dream of mine since I was about 5 years old, to be on the radio, and it did happen, for 4 blissful months; the result is the book Words from the Word. But then I freaked out on too much acid and Helga couldn't handle it and decided to show what she thought was "tough love" but which in fact was appalling error of judgement, and sacked me. Ruining my chances of achieving my lifelong dream of teaching on the radio. Gee thanks Helga. Still, what goes around comes around, and your curse rebounded on you, didn't it, dol.

And look! Lynwen was a Satanist; so was Honeybadger. And X worships Ba'al Zvov. It's a bit of a mixed bag isn't it.

Honeybadger has done serious harm to my soul.

But God can turn my pain into Christ's-fulweal.

I still want to be on the radio, teaching.

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