This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Another Sunday of withdrawal. The last one, hopefully. I'm glad my man is no longer procuring for me. I couldn't afford it anyway. But it's Sunday, and I'm in withdrawal.

At least it's quiet here.

God is great, and greatly to be praised.

Jesus takes away all our pain.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've got 2 pieces to write: a piece for flute and piano, Mysterium Iniquitatis, and a song-cycle for high voice and chamber orchestra, Songs of Solomon, with words drawn from Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and the Song of Songs.

Mainly on themes of wisdom and women.

I must see if God will help me and give me the music I am looking for.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

I'm hesitant to show Isaac much of my music because he's being clearly influenced by my style; he needs to have a thorough grounding in the Western traditions of art music before attempting to compose music that plays with those traditions.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

apparently people are missing me on ML. Well they should learn to be a bit nicer to people if they like them. I was routinely ignored there. Then someone menopausal old biddy called me a WUM and a troll and the Early Thread ganged up on me like a bunch of schoolgirls, that was the last straw, they must get on with it. I must search out people who appreciate what I have to offer. How I loathe the English at times.

Then there was that cold fish Kipper who couldn't swallow the fact I'd trounced her in argument and resorted to cheating to try to make me look foolish. Grotesque.

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