This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Turning over a new leaf.

I will probably take this machine in to Chaos to see if they can do something about the R key, which bounces, and not even the anti-bounce software can do anything about it. Either that, or I get a small keyboard of the kind I saw at Chaos for this machine, and buy a small monitor with HDMI input to put somewhere, and use the machine with external keyboard and monitor, as I have used lappies in the past. Pity though, I've got a lot of very good use out of this machine. I'm going to replace it with a top of the range machine of similar size and specs.

But that shouldn't be for another year or thereabouts. Remember I've got to get one that I can get Linux on. And it's still Mint 17.

Don't run away, don't hide away.

Going to Andrew's at nine to fetch a book. Someone in Knysna wants a copy.

There's a beautiful picture of Honeybadger on her Facebook.

She is so gorgeous, yet her heart is so dark. Oh, when I first spoke to her, it was heartbreaking to witness the state of her poor, poor soul. Heartbreaking, utterly, utterly heartbreaking. The Wrong does such horrific damage to beautiful souls made in God's image and likeness. Poor, poor, poor girl.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I'm going to compose a Missa Brevis pro Carolinam - a Mass setting for her - the Kyrie, a primal scream for mercy, my heart is utterly, utterly broken when I think of her.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Missa Brevis pro Animam Damnatam Amatam. Something like that.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Every girl-woman I have asked to Facebook friend me, has refused. I think I must be radioactive against females. Honeybadger, Lynwen, Odile, all of them have declined. I know. I'll ask Jacky. She's friendly and nice. Not at all stand-offish. I suppose I can be a bit stand offish. But she has the most important job in the station: the receptionist. She's the public face of the station. And I think she's brilliant at it, I admire her.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

A half funny looking movie called with Brucacious Willies and other celebrated and popular celebrities of the silver screen. They are after Willis. Since discovering the Internet I've become more and more freaked out by movies and television and suchlike.

My guess is they're waiting until I grow up enough to handle the mind control in a conscious state.

The answer, of course, is never to talk to strangers.

But perhaps they've finished with me - which would be a shame, in a way; but I've been very unhappy and frightened and scared all my life.

Getting old? 46? Oh dear.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

I'm planning out my flute and piano piece, its working title is "Mysterium Iniquitatis" and it's in 5 movements.

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