This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Oh dear, the world is on at me again, lying to me about stuff, but also, insisting I find a wife. "Seek ye not a wife." "Whoever can accommodate this teaching, ought to." Now, I don't need sex. But I do need someone to stand between me and the world, because I can't deal with the world any more. People say, I don't need a wife, I need a gentleman's gentleman. That's true. If Esnath came to live here I could ask her to deal with people for me. And I need someone to help sort papers and file things away properly.

The thing is, I'm a romantic man, and I believe in love. These days no-one else seems to. It breaks my heart but I am forced to conclude that I'm going to have to do without a wife.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Last night I had a lovely idea about the difference between Greek and Hebrew textuality. I'm writing it up now, and it works, in detail. I'm going to make a little teaching book out of it. I'm going to dedicate it to Mr Pokroy, I think. I'll ask him first.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've taken my leave of ML, since it became obvious they hate me, because of the victory which Christ gave me over the abuse of the enemy over the past months. Now, people are hassling me about women, and saying, Well you'll have to be gay then. All of this is a crock of shot. Because I spoke with my Father yesterday, and all was back to normal; and he said, You clean up your act, and I'll bless you big time. So that's what I'm doing. I'm hoping for a chance to broadcast my teaching on the radio; I'm hoping for a pick up in the fortunes of my book; I'm hoping for some proper distribution of my tracts and booklets, which the CCFM prayer people say are good.

Oh yeah, and I'd like some exposure for my music, and my poetry, too.

I might ask Jacky out, you know.

Anyway Satan did his best to break my heart this morning, and I foolishly let him, and I've been suffering heartache again. I must discipline myself to ignore his lies and the desperation of his people to damn me, the Gadfly of the Cape.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

They are talking about God doing something very powerful in Cape Town that will shake the nation and will impact the whole world.

Oh, Father.

Oh, Lord.

Help me.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

I simply cannot cope with women's emotions.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

O Lord, keep my Honeybadger safe.

For I am God, says the Lord, can anyone deliver out of my hands? can anyone act contrary to my will? Can anyone stand against the wrath and the holiness of th Almighty One in heaven? No they cannot.

RL becomes more interesting, we hope.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

For today, I am dog-tred and keep falling asleep in my chair, wondering hat day it is when I awake

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