This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

The Orthodox term for "outreach" is kiruv, which is derived from the root k-r-v which means "to draw near", so the Christian word is less intimate than the Jewish word.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Voices continue to plague me. They are supposed to be genuine, but I can't cope with them either way. Not having a -- yes, every time, it always ends up with me complaining that I'm alone. Apparently it has been explained to me, probably many times, why I have to live alone, but I cannot remember the explanation; and I still feel the lack of a partner.

I'm on display here. That's what Rigby said. Basically I've put everything on hold until I marry. That's when I shall consider my life to have begun. In the meantime - I was going to say, I'm considering going back to University, but I simply cannot face the prospect of going to all those offices and so on, on my own, and registering and all that. And what about the mind control? Nothing I think hasn't been programmed into me anyway, so what's the point?

The inhumanity of offices - no, I've had enough. And no-one to come home to. Just more bloody voices.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

I'm not prepared to talk to any more voices in the air.

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