This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

I'm constantly assailed by voices, all the fricken time. I'm never going to be perfect; it's not good, being alone. No, not good at all. I can't manage it on my own. I've been struggling on alone all my life, and I've just -- I can't do it any more.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Gosh, that's a desperate post. Goodness. Well, it was made in a rare moment of uneditment. Usually of course one edits one's --- oh dear, the dog has fallen out of the window. Been strangled and his neck is broken. Neighbours like each other, speak to each other, but I can't imagine anyone so low as to kill a dawg. Shame, poor doglet. Only a puir wee doglet. Only a puir wee doglet. Puir wee doglet poo. Because it knew too omuch? He kill dawg because it knew too much? He has to clean up those stains nobody ever invented a polite word for killing yet, shochetry, dongle dingle dangle doggle. He dongle doggle dongle doggle dogglet dogglit boggle dwog.

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