This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Ah, another daytime of a day to pray and say, Hey, Jack, call upon his Name, someone greater, call upon his Name, tail off, your name is like fire, your sms to me is like megafire, one thing the dev uses against us as believers, it all sounds all too iron-eye for something gonna happen, is ooh ooh ooh, yes you gotta go ooh ooh ooh, oh yeah screaming wet like a Stellenbosch table in the rain

And did you do it? Did you do it? Didjer?

Remember that cold dank clank uuuuh uuuuh machine-like quality to her voice? Well she's got that, and more. Malice, Alice. Yeah; and you, and you, and you. But never remember, she'll never forget.

And one morning, on that Day, w innym dzeniu, and all evil will be done away, awa', awa'... and all evil will be done away.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

The manipulation of evangelicalism... they use key concepts, like being alone, hurt, guilt, various weaknesses, are used in power by the hypocrites to get power over the weak, to shut them down. J is a cryptodiabolist, a spiritual infant, but of course he is useful to the Brotherhood, so...

They've tried to assume me into the Borg, but it hasn't worked. I've escaped the trap of the hands of honey, and I've retained my independence and identity, and successfully navigated the Cave of Aladdin, and have overcome, with Jesus. I am in Jesus, and he is not defeated. He is the conqueror, and he shares his conquest with us who love him.

No more Heuningdassie on the radio? Since September? Seven months. That was surreal. But we won. Now about my implants, etc, I don't know what's going on there. The past few months - since November - it's been really hectic. I've been through Jynuine, Mel, Selena, Olga. I've had physical torments, mental torments, emotional torments, spiritual torments. The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. You've been given very great freedom and range. And you've had to be tested in it because you have to know what your scope is, the nature of your territory, its scale, etc, and others have to as well. So far you've been living in your estate, which is as it were a million square miles, but you've been living in a small hut somewhere on the land, never going anywhere, not even on your own land. But now you are encouraged to strike out and explore all the different places in your land.

They are trying to Amerikanise CCFM. Totally. Listen to the intro spot for the 9-12 show. It's totally Amerikan. Badger was from Amerika of course.

Nicky is on now. Another mind controlled multiple I expect. Good old fashioned trauma based MPD controlled controller. Is it time to think about what I can offer? My teaching gift and its associated ministry? Testimony... of course it's very dangerous, because it's the Gospel, which has power, divine power to smash strongholds and establish the Truth in its foundations, since the City is a City with foundations. Now, they've nicked her purse.

Now, stand in the face of the winds, stand up to the wind, in the wind. Enjoy! Enjoy yourself. God is giving you the gift of today. Surrender your heart to God.

She even confessed, using the terms "guilt" and "shame"! I thought I'd ease up on those two words,

Now they're talking about hiding problems and so on. All those secrets and so on. We no longer want to be ashamed. This is the rescue that the Brotherhood promises. You're OK, you're just wearing the costume of someone who needs this stuff, so you can go through it at first hand.

She can't overcome you. She can't damn you. She can't condemn you. She can't; Jesus isn't frightened any more. He is with you, and promises to never, ever forsake you. Even if you make your bed in hell, I shall never leave you nor forsake you.

He pursues you relentlessly.

I declare it is not too late to accomplish everything God has placed in my heart. I have not missed my window of opportunity. God has no limit of favour in my future. He is preparing me right now because he is about to release a special break to accomplish that dream.

This is my time, this is my moment, I receive it today; this is my declaration.

Talking about what God's planted in my DNA...

Tribe of Judah, line of David.

Mortimer, Dead Sea.

They're there. The room is ready. The preparations have been prepared in full preparedness. Paratus sum, Domine. Malleini et-me'ozkha.

May God surprise you with joy. They are apparently manufacturing an artificial heart that you print out on your printer and transplant into someone's chest so they can live nicely.

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