This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Whisky Priest? Who said that? Graham Greene I think, or was it Grahame Greeme, his New Age prognosticator counterpart. Whisky Priest. Tchoh.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Poor Sian is in a psych hospital. Being treated for depression. This is a matter requiring wisdom. She is also in a final stage of emphysema, although this may be an exaggerations.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Interesting... I did get a reply from Honeybadger, but it was in the form of an induction, an hypnotic induction, so probably the safest course of action is to ignore and leave well alone.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

My mistake, I didn't read her reply after all.

The guy at PG is most unhelpful and I am suddenly needing to get home again (something's come up) and so I think I'll take my leave tomorrow first thing.

Nice here though. What I'll do next time is email several agents, and then I'll come up on the plane if they do have anything. Or the train/car, because I like having my own car here.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

So I'll drive home tomorrow. Hope to make it to Three Sisters tomorrow afternoon. The way home is far too long to do in one go. Just imagining that stretch from Three Sisters to Worcester, imagine that. So I'll take it easy if I can, and see Mnr Hamman tomorrow, and get home on Sunday afternoon. Then I'll take a few weeks off to recover, and come up again on the plane this time, and hire a car, and maybe come here again (this place I'm staying at now) and see about a place somewhere like Yeoville. A small place, one bedroom, a pied a terre. Furnished with second hand pieces and lots of wallpapers.

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