This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Caroline is getting her poetry and her writing, if she really did follow me halfway around the world to get it, like she says she did. I don't know how to trust the Platonic trystings, and I have more marks on my arms. But I think we are going to be very good for one another, somehow, although it will take a lot of faith, and trust, and a willingness to believe Good in the face of power and doubt, and folly, and a series, a long, never-ending series of painful decisions not to be scared, and to be kind and to do righteously and to love, despite everything.

Love is a series of painful, difficult decisions to do rightly on the earth, even when it hurts you. One day you will realise you have changed inside and God has come to live with you for ever. On that day you will rejoice and you will come looking for me, and you will find me, and you will save me, because I love you; and we shall live forever.

The Blessed Man of Upington

“Salig is julle, armes, want aan julle behoort die koninkryk van God” Lukas 6:20

Here I am, moving
Particle of forgetfulness
Moving through the earth, the air

I go hither, I go thither
I say this and that,
Many were astonished

I can point to nothing, and say
Look, here I am,
Made by the manner of my hands

Who were you on the good earth,
you counting man, ordinary fool, blind,
shuddering, six of one, half a dozen
of the other?

He will sprinkle many after she
shall die, and
they’ll celebrate

Stop, look, look up
Look around you
Jesus isn’t frightened any more

Aan Caroline MacGregor
Deur Haar Richard


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I'm just on the point of going.

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