This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

OK, get dongle juice today for March. Email only I should think. Oh, and ML if they are better now. Listening to some Schubert - is it The Trout? I don't know, but the modulations are nothing short of divinisation.

Of course I could always stay at home.

Except I've booked at Jo'burg. It's just that I don't like being alone, away. I don't like being alone, away.

I don't mind sitting alone here at home, but I cannot stand being alone away from home.

ML must have been o'ertaken by some air or other, yesterday. Everyone was nasty suddenly. Except Grace. It was weird. I don't know what that was.

Dug out some old SD cards and the passing of time between Stirling and here was quite painful, it's as if I've done nothing since Stirling. I have written a bit, but that's all, and I don't know whether what I've written is any good or not.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

It's a sort of spirituality radio station. Come and enjoy some of our spirituality, they say. We've got Caroline doing the news, that's prestigious, heavy MK there. It's optional. Those for whom the Law is an end in itself are slaves to it. Drink up. Drink the shame of the personages involved. And he pretends to yawn. Ongoing? You betcha. It's Cape Community Spirituality Radio Station. Spirituality radio station. Come in and enjoy our spirituality. Old bored women round and round again bored with orgasmic -- how can you be bored as an energetic table juicer? That would be a heavy one.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

The "Sight and Faith" one involves writing based on decades of thought and prayer, BUT the writing is indistinguishable in form from that of crass disbelief. At the mercy of the reader! LOL

Wossername wants me to listen to the morning show.

Listen by faith.

God is using you without you realising it. Let him continue. There's nothing to fear.

Something on those 2 symbols then. Still not quite ready to state the method.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Again, what's going on? The hole in my head has cleared up completely.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Word to the wise, old chap: Get yourself up to Jo'burg and sit tight for a bit. He's sorting some justice out for you in this life. Enjoy.

It was the raucous hate-filled scorn and mockery that did it, apparently.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

I was going to get my computer upgraded but they were taking the piss, so I don't like going to them when they take the piss, because it hurts, so I shall leave them be, when it hurts and when I have cause to remember the desolation of my youth.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've given up smoking.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

So! Another adventure in Johannesburg. Jesus has kindly helped me over a stile and I'm in a broader place now. But all the more aware of him. "The least you could do was pay attention" or something. Show an interest, I think he said. The man on the radio is up to something. I'm supposed to be at a house church tonight but at the rate I'm growing..! I wonder where PJ is.

Take care that no-one steals your joy. We're ministering now, Richard. Let's continue and grow all the time in it. You'll like it.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

Believe me, they really, really don't like me. I'm talking raw hate, my broer. And if they treated me like that -- you know the Scriptures. Just help me press on in and lose everything I don't need and pick up things I do need. Please don't let me get discouraged.


Post 10

woofti aka groovy gravy

It's gloves off: the anti-Christs have shown themselves.

I taught them how to do it, too. LOL


Post 11

woofti aka groovy gravy

calling up reception - who's that, Jacky? power to arrest someone suspected of breaking the law. Fire everywhere. The keyboard on this acer is a bit disappointing. Bit Christmas Cracker. Oh, and Jesus says Be ready for them, Richard. If they hate me, they'll REALLY hate you..! ;0)

How well are the young people of our time really prepared for "Christian" life? I'm not prepared for "Christian" life, no. I walk the Way; Christ and I live together. It's cohabitation. We indwell the same body. Stay innocent for goodness' sake, Richard. We couldn't cope otherwise.

You're getting attacked while the enemy works out a strategy. In the meantime the Lord wants t! Y || h

Guide me in Jo'burg, Lord. Guess it's just you and me then. I'll -- I suppose I could drive up. Especially in the power of the Spirit. Then I'd have my own car. Which -- well, it doesn't mean much. Anyway, I don't know what we'll all be doing all all.

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