This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Tried to have a wenk this afternoon. Totally impotent. Entirely anorgasmic. Can't even get it up. How depressing? Not really because the girl I was chasing turned out to be a Satanist and enjoyed catching you out in little moral lapses, saying "Guilty!" and running off to tell Satan. smiley - yawn


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Tried to have a wenk this afternoon. Totally impotent. Entirely anorgasmic. Can't even get it up. How depressing? Not really because the girl I was chasing turned out to be a Satanist and enjoyed catching you out in little moral lapses, saying "Guilty!" and running off to tell Satan.

But my writing is up to my usual standard, which is pleasing. I outlined the nature of my life to these Satanists this afternoon, who concluded that I was "damned". I had to explain very carefully that I had been temporally damned but not eternally. Most people find this a hard distinction to manage. My mind has been completely munted, there's a big blank space in the middle of my mind surrounded by little bits and pieces and cabinets and chests of drawers and girls, lots of girls. Mum tried to put me off women when I was a kid. That old joke about "mum tried to make me a homosexual" is literally true in my case, and I would guess in most cases. By sexually molesting me and casting the right spells on me, she turned me from being straight and sensitive, to being queer.

Thank God I prayed and he turned me back. But now I can't get it up and I can't come. This wouldn't bother me except I appear to be expected to be able to perform. Unfortunately Jesus doesn't like me saying I can't ... it seems to be a taboo.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

I keep hearing on the grapevine disturbing reports, very disturbing reports. I haven't been taking my medication lately and the reports I've been hearing have put me in a very difficult state of mind, very difficult difficult state of mind time.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Instead of doing the whole drama stuff, why can't they just make a reasonable offer? I understand by faith that I am a part of events and that I have my part to play in events, and am happy to play them.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

And to the girl who keeps criticising and finding fault with my soul, I point her at the one who cursed me and continued cursing me, day in, day out, morning and evening, and ask, Why didn't she receive any discipline?

Someone went over I don't know who

Someone exceeded, don't know how

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