This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Monday. Yesterday I had the worst shock of my life. The iron, which had been floating about six inches off the floor, suddenly started growing in size until it began to speak, and said, "Hello there! What is blue and red and gigantic in size?" I pondered. Ordinary cucumber? Electric lemonade? Balderdash?

Jesus is Lord. Someone came up to me in the garage this morning but I didn't know him, I thought he was an agent, so I told him to go away.

That wasn't very nice.

I'm terribly lonely. Selbstmod ist verboten und in elk geval, ek is nie van plan om na Duitsland umzuziehen.

Night night


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

OK, we've got clarity at last. I don't need to know about the hidden things. I can certainly kiss Kenilworth Enterprises goodbye. They're a hateful bunch of liars and murderers anyway. I can carry on as I am, and leave the profundities to Christ, and carry on writing simple materials which are simple to the simple, profound to the profound.

God's people are protected. Now's your chance to watch that in operation, Greg.

Christ Jesus is Lord! Praise the holy One of heaven!



Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Notice that you only get anxious when those bystards talk to you.

Christ knew all along what the solution would be.

Anyway just look at what happens to "spiritual" people like Rachel. They lose sight of the basics as soon as they get the wow stuff.

Just carry on writing the normal, nice stuff you write, using all your spiritual imagination and genius and so on, and make the Enterprise (!) jealous, and the children of God delighted.



Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Christ is Lord. Now, that might be hard to understand, given all the evil and wickedness that goes on in the world, but Jesus is Lord, God is the Father of life, and the Spirit is Lord, and where the Spirit is, there is freedom.


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