This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

hard at work, writing "The Way of Faith".


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I am tormented by voices playing on my fears. I am going through hell again. The white Christians treat me like a piece of shet. Someone in church said, "/You/ wrote that book?" You see I don't look like yer average believer. I can't do smart. Everything I wear gets cigarette burns and I don't iron. I am in desperate need of the help God promises, but the enemy fecks things up at every turn, and the Christians don't have the faith to help. Like the scum of the earth, they treat me. This is what Paul says apostles are treated like. The blessing God releases through me is awesome but they don't want it. The devil is driving me to thoughts of suicide. The church I go to is all about organisation and Babylon, they serve the idea of God rather than the living God.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

In fact, all this torment I have been undergoing, including the suicidal ideation, is the result of the programming I received on January 15th this year. They don't like it because I refuse to repose my faith in anyone but Jesus and his Father and their Spirit.

My message to the NWO is unprintable here. It can be summed up in the (erroneous) saying "Go forth and multiply" whereas the Hebrew says "Be fruitful and multiply".

Unfortunately for my programmers, I live from my heart, and not my mind, so they're basically fecked. Let them try. I dare them. Let them try. To get to me, they've got to get past the Angel of the LORD first. Go on, come and have a go if you think you're hard enough.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

4 weeks ago someone thanked me on one of my YouTube pieces, saying it was the answer to a question he'd been praying about. Praise God! So good to feel I've helped someone.

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