This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

I have never been more convinced that RCism is a Satan cult. I went to St C's Cathedral this morning, for various reasons. There was this obnoxious little man who, sensing and fearing me, jumped on me almost as soon as I had gotten out of the taxi. Tried to pick a fight. Saw him again. He wibbled his wobbly at me, the familiar Roman fear. I'm sorry to say I treated him with contempt. I have yet to distinguish in situations of combat, the host with the spirits. I always think he knows what he's doing and chose to have those powers and such people need to be made thoroughly aware that Satan is defeated. But I was strong, they said. Incredibly strong. So I am thrown back onto myself again. I've got to celebrate my victory in Christ Jesus over Satan. I'm in the same position I was in on 30th November last year. I wish all the following since then had never happened. Next step is to try to get to a church of some kind I expect. I hardly met L, never met C. and never met S.

I have dealt with the radio station. With Mister C. With Mr. Bisex.

I've got the Way Moving Forward tract to write, and I've got to recapture the Time booklet somehow. My GoPro is working perfectly.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I have had enough of a silly little girl telling me "Satan says..." as if I gave a tuppenny damn what Satan says.

My mind controllers were threatening me this morning. Apparently my trigger word is "capsule".

The conversation to reel me in goes along the lines of... but never mind. It's all too banal to worry about.

Jesus is Lord and mind control is a pile of wenk.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Klucz duchy swojej dala mi Helga. That's good. Now I can do some intricate hardware manufacture and bring about real change in her.

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