This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

dei me semeron erkhesthai. Foboumai men.

Boulomai aner ginesthai. paidion gar eimi.

Tired. Been falling asleep spontaneously.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Grace said I had a "wonderful mind", which was nice of her. I make it mine by strenuous discipline and press-ups.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

I am being messed about with terribly by 2 women. Either they are deliberately playing wicked games to test me, or they are ... oh I don't know. I am exhausted. I am feeling sick because I sat in a coffee shop for nearly 2 hours drinking coffee and now I feel sick because of all the cream. The women are playing stupid games, I don't know why, because in Christ we don't behave like Earthlings any more.

I realised this afternoon that I have been "remembering the seventh day, to sanctify it" all my adult life, by dint of staying indoors instead of going out. Well that's good isn't it. The Lord is faithful.

I cannot get my printer to work.

S has made me suffer terribly today and she's still doing it. I don't know why. I can't cope. I can't cope with Earth girls but I thought that this one was the daughter of the King of kings, but she's acting like an Earth girl and it's making me suffer, because of course -- well you know.

I'm not playing any more games. It's called self-preservation, or protection, I'm too messed up already because of women today.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Get off your high horse please Noribert. Thanks.

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