This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've spent all day today trying to get the printer working in the study from the Ultrabook in here. It all went wrong when I rebooted the router. But now I've finally got it printing. What a palaver. The difficulty is that the printer has a wireless existence (I think) although it doesn't appear to have an IP address. I'm not entirely sure how it works; I've got it working from the list of printers at the IP address of the Study PC. I suppose that's how I had it working last time; must be, since I can't find an IP address for the actual printer on the router devices page.

That was quite a schlep. But worth it. Now I understand the principle behind getting the duplex printer working via wifi. Basically the Study PC acts as a server for it.

Had a sobering talk with some disembodied spirits. Wrote an email.

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