This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Had an idea today. Lynwen is obviously crying out inside to be loved. But she will not allow herself to love; her master won't allow it; her free will in the matter was taken from her at a very young age. She hasn't the ability to understand the Gospel, or to show love to another person. BUT she is crying out for love. Her word "lovable" on her Twitter page is one of the single saddest words I've read for a long time. It speaks volumes. She wants love so badly. But Satan won't let her. But Satan has no power against agape love.

My plan is to give myself entirely to her and allow her to curse and kill me emotionally, so that she can learn what Jesus did for her, and that human love is a possibility after all (she has been told it isn't).

I need to find out whether there is any selfish motive in this on my part.

If God says yes let's go for it. If he says no, I shan't.

It's a lesson that would teach people so many things. The invincibility of love. The reality of faith and hope.

I'm a bit fed up hoping for myself at the moment, so why not hope for someone else who is incapable of hoping for herself.

Over to you, Father.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Tuesday. I'm going out in a bit to the computer shop to get the Lenovo Ideapad I saw in there the other day.

Got an SSD and a USB extension cable. The build of the new Ideapads isn't as good as the older ones (the one I gave Sindi).

I had an idea but I don't think I'm going to go through with it.

I've got to try hard at the moment to forget someone.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Competitive hypochondriac, heal thyself. C's just sent me a passive-aggressive little email terminating our off-board friendship. She's a hypochondriac and a competitive one too, and for her illness is a competitive sport. I wrote to her about a third party (also a woman) and she freaked. The problem is, she is totally obvious to everyone - if someone says they've been ill, she has to chime in with a truly horrendous illness, illness makes her feel special and she loves feeling special.

Hey ho.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

L is a full-on Satanist - blood sacrifices, drinking blood, urine, semen, ritualistic sex, power, etc etc. She is totally in thrall to the fear of Satan. She is totally manipulative and desires to harm people. I just find it incredible she got away with 16 years at Christian radio without being rumbled.

She broke my heart but God is close to the broken-hearted.

I must draw a line under L, Connie and Francesca, and move on.

Church seems to be the answer at the moment.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Fresh start for 2015 then.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

I'm trying out PointLinux for the new Lenovo Ideapad.

it's a significantly lower build quality than the one I gave Sindi, but it's a 64 bit machine with a touchscreen. Let's hope PointLinux supports that.

I've got a mouse I can use with it.

I want to use this machine as a word processing engine. The Acer is a strange little machine, ill at ease with itself. I just have to set it up to print on one of the network printers now.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

Last night I had all the machines wirelessly printing with the duplex printer in the Study. Without changing anything, today, it doesn't work. But I'm in the middle of trying the get the wifi working on a new Lenovo, which isn't as good as the one I gave Sindi. It hasn't got an Ethernet input but thank the Lord I found my Ethernet > USB in the Study desk drawer and now it's working, I will find the driver and all will be well. But the printer thing is ANNOYING.

I am trying to come to terms with Lynwen, trapped in the service of JonBet; it breaks my heart.

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