This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

I know a drama queen who drama has finally blown up in her face. I hope she learns something from the experience. At least, how not to inflict her drama on the wrong bloke. She in tears now. But I've got work to do. The situation isn't irredeemable, but it will take faith on her part now. And that's ... difficult. She likes making "decisions" but she never acts on them. Faith is action in the 3D, the real world. Nothing more, nothing less. Love in action. Every girl can dream, but only those worthy of the prize, dare to act. The irony is, she's an actress.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Growing up is never easy. But eventually we all have to. Unless you want to end up in a kindergarten for eternity, sucking your thumb wishing you could remember who you are. Faith is a required discipline in the lives of the children of God. Dreaming is for kiddies. Faith is action in the real world. All knowledge is for the sake of action, said John Macmurray. Not for fantasising. But for action.

All those decisions, only for it go phut right at the end. Poor girl. She must realise and learn that life isn't made of "decisions", life is made of action. I'd better shut up now. I can be a mean-hearted bastard sometimes. But that's what comes of being despised & rejected. In the end you end up - as Goethe said, "erst verachtet, nun ein Veraechter" - it's so, so sad. But, we move on, because the future is glorious, and belongs to Jesus.

Just let nobody toy with my affections again.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

The cool thing about God is enshrined in the meanings of the Hebrew davar, which not only means word, but action. God never speaks in vain but he always does what he says. The girl's hardly worthy to come with me on the great adventure if she hasn't even got the faith to make a phone call.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

And she DARES to speak in God's Name on the radio, when she hasn't the faith to perform in the Kingdom, actions we learn as 6 year olds in the world? That makes me angry. Very few things anger me these days, but that, yeah, that makes me crosser than a crossbow, aimed to kill with extreme prejudice.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Lovely and timely Hannukah message from Michael Savage in my inbox, bless him, Father, bless your people Israel over this holiday, amen.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

Modern fairy story: where the girl couldn't be bothered to kiss the frog. Naah, can't be arsed, she murmured.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

Let it be known: I don't go out unless it is absolutely necessary; I don't eat out, unless I'm on my own; and I don't like being around a lot of people.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

I think women live in the Law, don't they. They don't know grace. That's why they think they are doing you a favour all the time, but in reality, we live under Grace, in Grace, through faith. This one hasn't yet got the faith to cross the line between imagination and reality. Gee thanks Father. I thought you said you wouldn't give a scorpion if I asked you for a sandwich?


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

Meanwhile the enemy doesn't lack the chutzpah to act. I got a book through the post today: "Gay and Catholic". Well last time I looked I was straight and Protestant. Whoever sent me that book needs to learn the difference in meaning between "yes" and "no".

The ether resonates with the sound of commiseration.


Post 10

woofti aka groovy gravy

Revival, Revolution, Reformation.

They had a revolution in the church before. Remember the iconoclasts? That's what we need now, only spiritual iconoclasts. But before people can become clastically active, they need to wake up.


Post 11

woofti aka groovy gravy

Outside are the dogs, Mister C.



Post 12

woofti aka groovy gravy

By showing us how well-educated Paul is, he is telling us how well he knows the Classical corpus, and when he uses a word in the Koine he's inviting us to look back to Classical literature and dig out every resonance we can find.

You see people talk about the language, I mean Koine, but they don't talk about the person using it - the Koinist. And Paul isn't yer average user of language. He knows several languages and their cultures and is a literary and philological man, as he demonstrates in his letters and tells us in his biography; and he invites us to dig out everything we can find that lies behind every word he uses in his Greek. Because he will have been aware of the Classical resonances of every word he used, and that's our authorial permission to interpret the living daylights out of the text of Paul's letters.


Post 13

woofti aka groovy gravy

What did Jesus do on the Cross?

he stripped the principalities and the powers bare, and showed them up publicly, and was triumphant over them on the Cross.

Col. 2:15

Now for the first part of that sentence.

He wiped clean the catalogue of laws that was standing opposed to us, he satisfied it in full view, and nailed it to the cross; he stripped the principalities and the powers bare, and showed them up publicly, for on it he defeated them in triumph.


Post 14

woofti aka groovy gravy

at two verses a day (which seems to take about an hour, to get it right), it would take nearly 11 years to produce a translation of the New Testament. And Luther did his in about 2 months.


Post 15

woofti aka groovy gravy

Why cannot someone write an email client which enables you easily to search through the texts in a directory for a specified string? WHY?


Post 16

woofti aka groovy gravy

They're living in a bubble, refusing to engage with the culture. I don't think they even see the world as it is before them; they still see the rolling grasslands and the rondavels and the rivers.


Post 17

woofti aka groovy gravy

Remember that I got inside Mimi's head and felt her brain.

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