This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Things are getting a bit weird, and I'm not coping at all well with it. She says things to confuse me and to get a reaction and when I realise this is what she's doing I get it in the neck for not reacting properly. I'm a bit had it with all this psychic communication. I hope she's there tomorrow. I need a cell phone number and a Skype name.

Necesse est mihi eam ducere...

Auditions tomorrow. I hope they accept me. I'm sick of being played around with. Why can't these people be straight with me?


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I can't get my head, literally, around the fact that The Thick Of It season 2 was done in 2005 when I was still in Leeds and just about to embark upon two rather strenuous years in Stellenbosch. My glorious God, how time is flying past my mind like a frying pan flung by a furious wife at a husband who's been caught putting radiator keys in next door's shed. I was in Leeds and this was going out, I can't get my mind around the fact.

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