This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Good morning all. There's an audition thing at CCFM but I'm not going; they've chucked me out once before and I'm not going back for a second helping. They can come to me this time.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Jarvis convinced me to try going to the audition.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've left ML for not respecting the sanctuary of the Early Thread. They just can't cope with me. I'm too much for them to handle. So I'm outta there. The excuses they made for getting rid of me were so lame it looks like they were looking to get rid of me for a while.

Well some of them will miss me. I think, as the voices keep telling me, "I know too much" and this makes the vimmin uncomfortable. It certainly made little Caroline uncomfortable this morning. I went round there and she refused to meet me to receive her book - fearful little impostor. I'd dealt with her during the show and she "hated" me because of what I did which is nothing other than what she does to boys all the time. They can't take their own medicine, that's their problem. That doesn't stop me dishing it out when they ask for it.

I was down with the guys this morning and C piped up and it felt like I'd drunk a cup of vomit. So I ministered her some death. I hope she gets over her hatred soon.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

She pulled a typical trick designed to humiliate a man. She picked on the wrong bloke. I take no prisoners, male or female but treat everyone the same. I never hurt on purpose; but I do wound, because that's what happens to Christians, and it's better to be wounded by an expert surgeon who cuts to heal, than an enemy who stabs to maim and cause malicious pain.

I didn't miss a beat, because I thought she'd pull this on me, so I came back in a strong masculine voice to Jacky for Caroline, and Jacky seemed to admire the strength and manliness.

I have learnt an awful lot in the past weeks of torture. If a silly little girl wants to humiliate me without cause, I will turn the tables right back at her until she feels all the power draining out of her and is deflated and defeated. I'm like that. If a woman uses her power on me to try to humiliate me, I just reflect it back on her and see how she likes her own medicine. Normally, they "hate" it. I even wrote a prophetic teaching for her and faxed it to her. She has to learn there are some men who "know too much" and who aren't afraid to use their knowledge.

In other words, after a lifetime of humiliation, I have grown to the point where I can look after myself. Which I enjoy doing.

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