This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Right, OK, really it's time I started to work, but the woman God told me I was supposed to marry is playing games designed to test me, obstacles to overcome, but these obstacles involve lies, and I cannot deal with people's lies while at the same time trying very hard to stand for the truth. Do not lie to one another says Paul.

I hear that Helga is in trouble because of something that happened, and I am very keen to help her with that, but I am told that my attachment to Helga is hindering the work of God; so someone else has undertaken to pray for Helga.

I'm already learning a lot from her; but I don't know whether what she tells me is a lie or not. She is very wise, and very clever; but she's very protective of her person.

Anyway so the books will be ready soon soon, and I'll be taking a bunch to CCFM to give to some of the presenters. I'll be giving one apiece to Helga, Caroline the Newsreader, Jacky the Receptionist, Pastor Barry, Sister Thelma and Francois.

One thing's for sure, I wouldn't survive a divorce. I cannot countenance divorce.

I've been trained to serve God, not to be confused by some woman who's lying to me because she has to score points and control me. If I have to struggle daily with lies and point scoring then I don't think any amount of fun in the sack and so on, is going to make up for that.

A constant daily struggle against lies, deceit and so on, I just don't think I want to put myself through that. I am desperately lonely, but I don't want to have to fight at home as well as in my work.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

While I was engaged in fighting with a woman, my Internet went off and it was Anton commenting on my work. He said it was "very subtle". Well you see I get pure joy from my work, with no shadow at all, just joy. And I exult in God when I work. They say I am a nasty man and that I don't know God. And Rupert says "There we see what you're up against". Now I'm getting accused of damning Lynwen because I'm thinking of how happy my work makes me. Now all I need is someone to commission me to produce more work. Because I can produce a constant stream of high-quality work if I am asked to. Otherwise I produce a little bit of work here and there as it happens. But someone asking me, especially if it's someone I love, inspires me to produce my best work.

These days it's like each piece of work is better than the last. And my work is something I get genuinely fired up about. It looks from here like I'm going to have to spend the rest of my life alone.

God has done all this work in me just for himself to enjoy.

I don't trust myself to find a woman by looking, and the one God seemed to have suggested for me, made it so difficult to deal with that in the end I gave up. She eventually admitted she wanted someone a bit more masculine than me anyway.

Rupert says Taste your victory.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Right. Well, I've written a tract that Anton liked, and that came rather as music came, in other words, I was making coffee when suddenly I saw the piece and it came out with hardly any, if any corrections needed. Now if God could give me more of those, that would be nice. Straight Bible teaching, commentary on the Bible.

Well I blew it totally and utterly with Lynwen. That was terrible. I ended up losing my temper at her and was horribly unkind and well, that's it really. I can't deal with people.

Now I'm getting condemnation from all over. If this is the result of invisible conversations with one woman, then God only knows the trouble I would have to endure if I were married. The truth is that I fight all the time for Jesus you see, and I need a wife who will bring me kindness, tenderness, caring, etc etc. And who is strong enough to endure my evil side without taking it personally, but who knows how to endure it and how to control it.

That's a threat that would hold water if I were married.

Rupert's praying for Lynwen and making her whole again, that's lovely. Bless him. See? I said I respected him as a man of God. One man has this gift, another has that.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Andrew is bringing a box of books round today. That's good. Then I can see about packing them up - if the people want them, which at the moment I feel they don't - and sending them away.

Things are happening which I am finding highly distressing. But I am assured that everything is going to be all right. I feel dreadful though.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Apparently there is a class of personages in the world who like trouble. I don't like trouble. Not at all. I get it all the time as I stand against the enemy's attacks and I get it from the world and I get it from my own people. So I have plenty of trouble. It keeps me occupied all the time. If someone gives me a job of writing, which is what I desire, then that consumes me and I pour all my love into my work, and I don't need anyone else around me. If I get enough work to do to fill my time with writing, then I will find a housekeeper to come and help me look after the house, but I will pray very thoroughly and find my own housekeeper this time.

You see my brothers and sisters (or some entities pretending to be my brothers and sisters) say they hate me.

If the people don't want to receive me, that's fine, it happens all the time.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

Helga says my writing, which is all I have, is poisoned and evil and bad. There's nothing left; she is even calling my salvation into question. She says I beat myself up like a silly boy. I know I'm really messed up but I didn't know I was that messed up. Apparently it was Matyika who "handed me over to the devil" and ever since then I've been batting for the opposition. Christ be glorified. Helga prays for me every day. Bless her heart. Apparently satan's hijacked me and forced me over to the other side. This is really heavy and actually frightening me a bit. So, Helga is going to tell a deliverance minister all about me, and then give me his number, and I am going to go. There's a piece of the Devil in everything I write, apparently.

Jesus is my friend.

I'm very happy if I have helped Helga. Helga says there's a question mark over my spiritual status. May God be glorified and may there be peace in the hearts of his children.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

It's all got a bit hectic today. The whole Lynwen thing has passed into history. I'm still not prepared to endure trouble just for the sake of --- well I dunno. Marriage seems to me to be an enormous risk, and I don't think I'm willing to take it without some pretty intense scrutiny first, and prayer. I think you'd lose your freedom in a fundamental way, plus I'm certain that I don't want children. I couldn't bear that a child of mine should have to suffer like I have done. I don't know if they would or not but it's too much of a risk to take, if it's an unnecessary risk. Of course I want to marry, but I think it would be dangerous. I think a person in my position should minimise the risk of trouble, not encourage it. And a wife and children would pile on the trouble and worry and it would be very difficult I think.

OK, so Andrew is coming round this evening with a box of my book! If I can I shall take the 30 that I want to give away, plus one or two for myself, but the rest will be sold, apart from the ones that Andrew wants to give away. This means I can take the ones for CCFM to the station tomorrow. I shall take great pleasure in inscribing books for Helga, Pastor Barry, Sister Thelma, Francois, Caroline the Newsreader. Then I want to take one round for the Doc. And I've got a bunch to send to AM in a box, and she can post them for me; the postal workers are still on strike here. Andrew's going to some function or exhibition or something some time, and taking a bunch with him to sell. I don't know how I would shift any myself; I don't know anyone who wanted them, although I might take one to church and get the pastor or whoever to read it, and then perhaps he wouldn't mind putting them up for sale in church. But I don't like the idea of selling my work. I think I'd rather leave that to Andrew.

I gave Sindi the one copy of my latest tract, "The Naming Of The Animals", for her opinion and for translation.

Well yesterday I think it was, I asked God for a tract in the morning, and he gave me one in the late afternoon. Perhaps if I ask him for another one now, he might give me one later on tonight? I don't know. The last one was very pertinent to my current situation, as it happens.


Brick up the bathroom door leading to the guest room. Knock a new door through the wall from the guest room into the passage. Remove the fitted cupboards. Buy an old wooden wardrobe. Uplift the carpet, polish the floor. Wallpaper the walls. Then the Guest Room will be ready for all those guests coming to discuss the Bible with me.

Yeah, I can't afford to see T again. Too dangerous. I'll put him off and keep putting him off until he gets the message.

Helga says I must go to the evening service at church and I'll get a faceful of spots.

Going to see the Doctor tomorrow. Book coming out, habit stopping, ministry beginning: 14th November 2014 is going to be a big day.

Well praise God. It's been another intense day, but victory belongs to Jesus.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

Andrew came round to deliver the books. It's OK. A bit beige. I noticed quite a number of mistakes in the typography. Andrew wants to make another 4,000 copies, and wants to note all the mistakes so that he can correct them in the second printing. I'm pleased with the book, overall, and was reading in it and thought, How lovely is this writing. I am glad that the book contains good writing.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

Half past twelve on Thursday night really, but it's Friday now. A brand new fearless day. I've got this demon behind me telling me I'm supposed to be afraid of it. Instead, I'm scaring it. Using its own tactics against it, well, who could have thought? The women are scared of Mama Babylon. That's probably the next move of God: he's going to bring us all out of Mama Babylon. She's held sway over us for too long. "Come out of her," says the Lord.

"Come out of her," I say.

Until the children are saying to each other, "Come out of her," and laughing as they watch each other come out of Mama Babylon.

This will make Jesus smile.

At the Name of Jesus, every knee shall bow, every tongue confess him, king of Glory now.

We are presently enjoying a bit of fear from Lynwen Roman and from her pet demon. But the Name of Jesus is the Name above all names, even above the name Fear. Just a man, not even controlled. Has authority!

Who is this person?

He's given us authority over the Devil. We are the Devil's master.

God gives his saints sweet sleep.

Wake him up before he makes himself look stupid.

He's very confident.

People do it all the time.

Look at him laughing at you.

I don't know what that was all about. Either I was carried away by my own self-confidence, or I was --- I don't know. That was pretty amazing. I don't know what I'm doing. The Court sits in heavenly session. They consider. "Satan is easily upset." The women brought me into a different dimension where I thought I'd play around a bit. But of course the evil side doesn't play around. He was actually very polite.

Twenty three minutes to three.

Well, Odysseus gets his men out of situations but he has got them into them as well.

Very very odd, what's happening here. I've just been tremendously unwise and had a conversation with a --- disembodied voice, I suppose, which had a momentum of its own and I dunno, I got carried away. Terribly foolish. Suicidally foolish. So incredibly foolish. Jesus can't ... well with God, nothing is impossible, but one mustn't be arrogant in the face of spirits. Stupidly brave. Unbelievably brave. Crazy. Stupid. There's no mercy; these spirits follow the law to the letter.

Arbitrary, crazy foolishness. To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The Lord laughs at his enemies.

Very strange. I was under a strange compulsion. Probably over-tiredness and feeling pissed off because the girls were trying to put me under.

Ridiculous. That was so weird.

They were trying to control my mind.

Act your age. That's what someone/thing said to me.

I dunno, I suppose I just got sick of satan after three weeks or so of sitting going through stuff.

I dunno what's going on. It's a legal thing.

I suppose I was working or thinking very carefully, for so long, with Helga and Barry, and Barry was really suffering really, although as someone said, he thought he was absolutely right, he said it was too deep for him at one point, and I don't know if he managed to get it in the end, because I had become tired I suppose and in the end only Helga was there.

Helga seemed fine with the situation. But the whole episode ended with three female voices sort of putting me into a trance and then they mentioned mind control and I realised it was time to get up and break the spell and stop the proceedings.

I've lost perspective on this threat thing, I was misbehaving and something just got the better of me and I was misbehaving.

I don't know. I don't know. The enemy is threatening dire threats and says he's coming back for more, but I can't seem to care about it and i think I should. What's annoying is I can't get any rest at the moment. Spiritual laws still apply, of course, and I seem to have flouted them and they are very angry and threatening all sorts of terrible things, and I suppose I dunno, they're threatening suffering and so on, but I just can't seem to care and I don't know why - that is a bit scary.

Well I dunno they tell me I'm damned, but I've heard that so many times in the past that I'm inured to it.

Duck knows what's going on. I suppose I'm trying to anticipate the freedom which is rightfully ours on this earth. Don't know. I really don't understand what's going on.


Post 10

woofti aka groovy gravy

Thank God for answered prayer. The Lord laughs at his enemies. I have installed my king on Mount Zion, he says, and he bears the wounds of Jesus. Let not any man or spirit hassle him, for he is mine. David Derrington says we are every man's servant and the Devil's master.

Oh well, perhaps this was just an opportunity for me to demonstrate the mastery over the Devil that Jesus promises. After all, we have to stand in faith, or we do not stand at all.

I do not gloat over my enemies. I do not stand proudly over their deflated polling booths; I do not stand arrogantly over their silenced threats.

Well, I've got my book coming out. God's going to bless that.

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