This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Boiling hot today - 32 degrees at the Airport.

Listened to a chappie talking about the male principle and the female principle united in the same body - the sons of God mingled with the daughters of earth in one body - the Androgyne. Woman and man in one person, called the Androgyne. Heaven and earth in one body. It was scary. The Deuil's plan genetically to modify mankind to create a divinised person.

You've got to be ultra careful and precise in your teaching these days, since there is so much heresy out there. The fact is, the Trinity does come and dwell in us. Jesus said so. The Latin heresy is the theology of it all. Theosis the doctrine. But you've got to get it precisely right.

I heard a lot about "aliens" as well. Heard a delightful story. An American chap - Baptist - saw an alien standing by his spaceship, mending something. He rushed over to him with his Bible and cried out, Do you worship Jesus? The alien said, Of course, doesn't everyone?

That made me laugh, oh it was lovely.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

"Confessions" while in North Korean hands... right...

Watching YouTube, shocking stuff about human experimentation, very unpleasant. Not very nice at all.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

On the other hand, I saw the Rice Experiment. Chap put a bunch of cooked white rice into a little glass jar, and labelled it "LOVE". Did the same with another bunch of rice, and labelled that one "HATE". Every day he spoke lovingly to the rice in the LOVE jar, and nastily to the rice in the HATE jar. After 4 days you could see mould growing on the HATE rice, whereas the LOVE rice stayed OK. After 13 days of the same treatment, the HATE rice had degenerated into a nasty mouldy ick, whereas the LOVE rice was the same as the day it was born.

Someone also noticed that different thoughts and words had an effect on the form of the crystals formed when different samples of water were frozen, which had been exposed to different words and thoughts. The structure of the crystals was also radically affected by different musics.

Given that we are over 80% made up of rice, then it seems that if we want to enjoy a nice time, we must ensure that we only hear and speak positive words of love, and avoid nasty mouldy words like HATE and their associated negative energies.

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