This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

I shall be glad to get away. I still don't know where I shall go. Perhaps Cradock is a bit far to drive? What about Swellendam? God go with me when I go.

Been up all night, watched some YouTube, Richard Stallman entertainingly on computer software. Downloaded a file sync app which syncs my work folder so that my tracts are backed up automatically when I use the app. They are backed up to two different external HDDs; I am also obviously backing up my work to the Interwebulator. 'ani hosheiv 'et-ha'almah asher 'ani 'oheiv netunah elai 'et-adonai. Aneu oudemias elpidos exspecto auten, dystanos egw pany pany dystanos egw.

Hu' rotseih 'oti, 'amerah ha'ohuvah.

Yehi 'imi ha'elohim hayyom uvein ha'elohim veruah ha'elohim shalosh shalosh qodeshim shalosh panim qodeshim bashamayim uva'arets vetahat ha'arets amein.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I am listening to an man who is saying that Masonric play is a SECS-CULT. Angels are infused with intellect. A crystal-clear intellect and will. Aquinas suggested that because of the invincibility of the angels' intellect and will, once they fall, they cannot get back. To live in the beauty of the glory of God, and to turn your back on it, requires a profound level of insanity. He says fallen angels can't turn back.

Ti de pepoika egw?


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Had 2 WUMS trying to wind me up over a piece of scholarship I dared to post over on ML. O Delvig, Delvig. No point in arguing with little-minded persons.

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