This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

It's another Saturday. I've started a writing on reading the Bible. As usual, it was inspired by some mistakes someone was making.

Had difficulty with a command line doodah until someone explained what the problem was. All about Gate$' bloody proprietary file formats. Balls to Gate$ and his virus.

Noticed that Collard doesn't have the teaching gift. I wrote to him a couple of emails, explaining a couple of points to him. It seems he is not willing to take correction. He likes to dish it out, and even says he likes being humbled, but it seems that's all bellshot because he won't take correction. At least not from me. That's funny.

I've had it sitting motionless concentrating on disembodied voices. I've really had enough of that. I'm fed up actually.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Me llaman las voces "el Elegido".

Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Word made flesh, Emmanuel.

The name Hebrew comes from the Hebrew word ayin-beth-reish, which root forms words meaning "to cross over". The Hebrews are not from this dimension. They crossed over to our dimensions from another dimension, a dimension of God. This is why they are God's chosen people. 'am bechur ha'elohim. Their very name proclaims that they crossed over to our dimensions.

Pero todo lo que deseo por mi vida es que ensene la Biblia a la gente y que presente la Trinidad a todos que no la conozcan. No soy un iluminado como lo era el gran evangelista americano. Soy un hombre sin ninguna calidad especial. Soy solamente un hombre que ama a Dios el Padre, a su Hijo Jesus, y al Espiritu Santo con todo el corazon y con toda el alma y con toda la mente y con todo el cuerpo. Quiero tambien a las Escrituras Santas, y a la gente de Dios, a mis hermanos y hermanas, a mis padres y madres, a mis hijos y hijas. He amado a Dios toda mi vida. Deseo precar el Evangelio en Espana y en las Americas del Sur. Y en los paises donde se hablar la lengua nacional. Deseo prender conmigo una mujer que me acompane en los viajes.

Lo es todo que deseo por mi vida, glorificar al Dios en sus tres Personas eternas. Y por fin, deseo precar el Evangelio a los Judios al fin del tiempo.

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