This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy


Dank meiner Schwesterbraut hat sich das Leben in meinem Herzen und in meiner Seele und meinem Verstand und meinem Koeper ... can't think of the verb now. Haha. Gosh, I'm blessed. What's up now? My head is still trying to pull me down. Nothing new there then. Such a head hey.

Anyhoo. Greetings to all. It's dull out. Really really dull. What a boring end to the Winter. Still, it's only Tuesday. They said it would get nicer towards the end of the week.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well it's a nice day out. A bit o'ercast, but quite nice.

I hope I can get performances for the better of my compositions. And I hope I can publish my work. And I would like to marry. I know whom I'd like to marry. She wrote to me threatening legal action if I ever wrote to her again. smiley - erm Well, you know.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Dr Stauch called the ending of my Theme and Variations "transcendental". It was so easy to compose. Those variations just tumbled out of me, I was writing as it were to dictation. My heart dictated the music to my mind, and I wrote it down. Unless it works like that, I can't write at all. Not a note. It's so strange.

And I've been ignored all my life, by people I've wanted to get close to. The only exception was Helga. And now even she ignores me.

As for D, he's never had much time for me and now has practically none.

I suppose I've been treated like a piece of shet because I haven't treated people very well myself. It's like blaming someone that they can't run because they have a broken leg. Well if you can't get to the hospital then I'm afraid I can't help you, they all say as I lie in a ditch in a field somewhere in North Carolina, trying to get home.

What if God was one of us? I think they'd treat him in a similar way to the way they've treated me. I think people wouldn't even bother killing him these days. I think they'd just ignore him.

But I'm not resentful, neither am I bitter, because my Jesus is with me and comforts me. He says, This is what it was like for me. Welcome to my world, he says, smiling. Except when he says it, he says Welcome to my Kingdom. I love Jesus. Friend of the friendless, helper of the poor, healer of the sick, whose life was spent in doing good. When I was very little, even perhaps before I was born, or even conceived, God the Father said to me, What do you want? And I said, I want to be like Jesus. And he said, Have you any idea what you're asking? Do you know what you'll have to go through if you want to be like my Son? And I said, Yes I think so. And he said, So do you still want to be like Jesus? And said, Yes.

It's been hard. Very, very, very hard. But worth it. Oh, so worth it. I have spent 40 years wandering in the desert. Some of those years have been spent in hell. It's been awful. But God has been with me, even, as I said to a doctor once, if there was a million miles of mud between him and me, he was still there. Good old God. So faithful, so true.

And now he is letting me into my spiritual inheritance. Soon, I hope, things will start to happen in my life in the actual 3-D. A real concert to go to. A real book to read. A real wedding to attend. And unlike my brothers this won't be a joke wedding where people are laughing at him. It will be the wedding of the year.

But, you'll say, you're getting ahead of yourself. Well, this is faith you see. We speak things that are not and they are. It's pure Sam Beckett territory. Wonderful. I want to write much about the faith.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Listening to Odile on the radio. Haven't heard her for months.

Just had a cup of coffee. I put cream in my coffee these days. Ooh, it's lekker. Not eating very much though. But my gut still refuses to shrink. It was that witch PB who put a stone in my gut. What I need to do, seeing as the Christians refuse to do anything about it, is go to the Amazon rainforest and seek out a shaman who uses Salvia Divinorum in his work. What happens, is we both get high and trip on Salvia (it's very freaky indeed) and then he basically takes the stone out. I could really do with that.

There is the possibility of Ibogaine therapy. Costs though.

Dear Odile is such a lovely girl.

Anyway, I've done a bit of tidying up. Need to pay --- need to do several things actually.

I see I'm in credit with Telkom as well as with Cape Town Municipality. Praise God in heaven, that's just what I need. Phew. Thank you Father. You are really really kind and really really cool. And we love you so much.

I see martyr is cognate with memory. mar<>mor

That's interesting.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

edited Conky config files on both machines that use Conky, to show the right drive for Data. Excellent. Very simple of course, nothing to a geek, but to one of little techie brain like me, a satisfying success.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

Peace and comfort, joy and righteousness. How happy are the children of God as they pray to their Father in heaven and smile with Jesus and are happy and contented without envy or pride or ambition or vainglory but in total harmony with each other and with God. Heal my dear friend Helga and give her peace and a superabounding blessing that can only have come about through all the things she has endured in her life so far. And bless ten kouren mou and take away her fear and fill her with strength and power and love and faith and glory, so that she can obey you without demur. In Jesus' Name amen.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

Hmm... since updating (I presume) the external HDD light is always on and it's always spinning. Bit disconcertandum.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

Now it's blinking on and off again. Queer.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

Boulomai philemata polla didonai epi ekeinon to proswpon to kalon. Akoueis, agapete? Boulomai soi ten kardian mou deloun ou de monon en twi pneumati kai en twi nwi twi logikwi, alla kai en pragmati dia te to swma mou. en gar twi nyn phainetai to pragma homoion on twi twn hagiwn dyo en Galliai. ho gar logos tes kardias mou dystanistos estin.

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